激戰英文歌sound of silence歌詞

"激戰"英文歌《Sound of Silence》的歌詞如下:

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've been waiting for you for a while

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walk alone

Narrow streets of cobble stone

'Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When I was just a boy and I dreamt of changing world

But I was just a dreamer alone

In the sound of silence

Everybody's talking without anyone saying anything

Everybody's running from something that they cannot define

And no one else is here and no one else is there

And so it's just you and i alone in the sound of silence

Speak now or forever hold your peace

I've been waiting for a while

Somehow, words seemed far more tranquil

Than a calm, sane and rational tone. So shut up, I want to hear you speak.

It is in the silent holy night, that you may give your hearted prayer. 如果你有任何煩惱,如果你有任何心事,只要你真心真意,我會在遠方默默為你祈禱。你的內心是否在哭泣?是否在呼喚?在這無聲的夜晚,我在這裡,聽你心聲。每一個孤獨的靈魂都在尋找一個伴侶,每一次相遇都是久別重逢。在這無聲的夜晚,讓我們一起唱歌,讓歌聲穿越黑夜,點亮彼此的心靈。
