曾經愛是唯一falling slowly歌詞

《曾經愛是唯一》的《Falling Slowly》歌詞如下:


Somewhere deep inside 某處深深的內心

Thoughts I can't name 無法名稱的想法

A tattered photograph 破舊的照片

Of you and me and then 我和你

Time folds in two 時間折疊成兩半

And memories are torn 記憶被撕裂

But I'm falling slowly 但我慢慢墜落

And I'm losing all 我失去了一切

Somewhere we belong 某處我們的歸屬

In the moment that we let go 在我們放手的那一刻

You can't see the dust 你看不到塵埃

You can't feel the rust 你感覺不到鏽跡

But I'm losing all 但我在失去一切

And I'm losing you 我失去你了

Out of nowhere and I 就無端無由的消失了我

Into nothingness 消逝成虛無的煙霧

Oh how it all fades to 我為何愛上如此快就淡去的灰暗景色呢

Blinding green eyes oh 我盲目的灰眼睛喔

Forever to leave 但永遠留下不去了。


Somewhere deep inside, thoughts I can't name. 心中某個深處,思緒難以名狀。

A tattered photograph, of you and me and then. 一張破舊的照片,你我相伴。

Time folds in two, and memories are torn. 時間在指縫間流逝,記憶也四分五裂。

But I'm falling slowly, and I'm losing all. 可我卻在緩緩下墜,失去了所有。

Somewhere we belong, in the moment that we let go. 在屬於我們的地方,那一刻,我們鬆開了手。

You can't see the dust, you can't feel the rust. 你看不見塵埃,感覺不到銹跡。

But I'm losing all, and I'm losing you. 可我卻在失去一切,失去了你。

Out of nowhere and I, into nothingness. 無從尋覓的我,消逝在虛無之中。

Oh how it all fades to, blinding green eyes oh. 噢,一切都化為灰燼,只留下你眼中那抹耀眼的綠。

Forever to leave, but forever to stay. 永遠離去,永遠留下。