* 春光明媚(Spring is bright and beautiful)
* 春回大地(Spring has returned to the earth)
* 萬物復蘇(All things come back to life)
* 烈日當空(The sun is shining high in the sky)
* 炎炎夏日(Summer is hot and steamy)
* 酷暑難當(The heat is unbearable)
* 秋高氣爽(The air is clear and fresh in autumn)
* 豐收之秋(Autumn is a time of plenty)
* 落葉紛飛(Leaves are falling all around)
* 冰天雪地(Winter comes with ice and snow all around)
* 雪花飄舞(Snowflakes are falling gracefully)
* 暖爐旁(By the fireplace, warm and cozy)
春天:Spring, spring is the season of hope,
When flowers bloom and birds begin to hop.
Summer, summer the season of heat,
When the sun shines high and days are long.
Autumn, autumn is a season of change,
When leaves begin to fall and fruit is on the tree.
Winter, winter is a season of rest,
When fires are lit and friends gather round.