



我不怕千萬次的摔倒 不怕受傷 也不曾後悔過

I don't fear a million falls, I don't fear getting hurt, I don't regret anything

因為我知道 每個起跑線後的選擇

because I know, every choice made after the starting line

有無數種可能 在結果出現之前就已發芽長大

there are endless possibilities that sprout before the result is announced

我在遙望 勇敢的我光芒 萬丈

I am looking up at the shining light of the brave me, radiant with brilliance

即使未來坎坷崎嶇 路漫漫其修遠兮

even if the future is full of bumps and potholes, the road is long and far ahead

我要跨越千山萬水 去勇敢闖蕩 不畏懼失敗

I will cross thousand mountains and vast rivers to brave the unknown, not fearing failure

去觸摸 那未知的世界 看絢麗的風景

to touch the unknown world and see splendid scenery

我相信每一個明天 都藏著屬於它的奇蹟

I believe that each tomorrow holds a miracle waiting to happen

每一步 都踏著荊棘勇敢向前 不後退 不後悔

step by step, I brave forward with courage, never stepping back or regretting
