Verse 1:
My youth is given to chechi
And my love remains for chang'an
男:你的天真美麗無邪 像一朵含苞待放的花
Dancer, dancer, dancer with a sword
Dancer, dancer, beauty with innocence and grace
女:刀馬旦我瀟灑又威嚴 迎接挑戰無畏無懼
I'm a martial arts dancer, elegant and majestic,
Ready to face challenges with fearlessness
男:扮相多嬌媚如花 武藝如此不凡啊
Your charming appearance and exceptional martial arts skills
女:我是英雄好兒男 你是俠女英俊瀟灑
We are heroic men and brave female warriors
合:一起並肩闖天涯 刀光劍影任馳騁
Together, we will venture across the world,
Darting through the flashing swords and light blades
女:把青春獻給車遲 把愛情留給了長安
My youth is given to chechi,
And my love remains for chang'an
男:你是英雄好兒男 我是俠女英俊瀟灑
You are a heroic man, I am a brave female warrior
女:扮相多嬌媚如花 武藝如此不凡啊
My charming appearance and exceptional martial arts skills
合:一起並肩闖天涯 快意恩仇誰與爭鋒
Together, we will venture across the world,
Who will dare to compete with our speed and grace?