

* 第一小節:

Star, star, 星星呀,星星呀,

Up in the sky 在天空上,

Do you know do you know,

Do you know what to do?

Do you know what to do?

* 第二小節:

Stick out your hand 伸出你的手,

And make a move,

Make a little light 製造一個小光點,

Make a little light。

* 第三小節:

Star, star, 星星呀,星星呀,

Up in the sky 在天空上,

Can you jump can you jump?

Can you jump up high?

Can you jump up high?

* 副歌:

Everybody sing together,大家一起唱,

Stars are bright, stars are bright,星星真亮真亮。
