

朱英傑詳細資訊(以下內容包含:朱英傑演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


1992 年於中國科學技術大學套用化學系獲碩士學位1994 年於中國科學技術大學套用化學系獲博士學位1994 年 10 月至 1997 年 11 月,在中國科學技術大學任講師和副教授1997 年 11 月至 1998 年 7 月,加拿大 Western Ontario 大學化學系訪問學者1998 年 7 月至 1999 年 8 月,德國柏林 Fritz-Haber 馬普研究所洪堡學者1999 年 9 月至 2001 年 9 月,美國 Utah 大學化學系博士後2001 年 9 月至 2002 年 1 月,美國 Delaware 大學化學系博士後2002 年 1 月入選中國科學院“引進國外傑出人才(百人計畫)”2005 年中國科學院“百人計畫”項目終期評估獲得“優秀”獎2006 年入選“科學中國人年度人物”2007 年入選上海市“優秀學科帶頭人”計畫1928年11月出生,山東沂水人。中共黨員。畢業於華東軍政大學。任西安鐵路電務技工學校離休幹部。中華詩詞學會會員,中國鐵路老戰士協會會員,陝西詩詞學會理事,副秘書長,《陝西詩詞》編委,秦風詩詞學會副會長,陝西老年大學書法系主任。朱英傑畢業於華東軍政大學。是抗日戰爭時期的老戰士。原西安鐵路信號工廠工會主席、西安鐵路電務技校第一任書記。1989年離休(司局級)。掀開他的人生檔案,熠熠生輝,在每一崗位上都灑下了辛勤的汗水,留下了深深的足跡。如今他雖離休,但不“解甲”,離休,他視為人生旅途中的驛站,在事業上猶如綠茵場上的一名隧員,依然奮力拚搏,用一片真情續寫他的人生。一分耕耘,一分收穫。朱老多年來用心血釀製的精神產品已惠及人們。書法、詩詞、著文立說都見功底,他的書法作品在老年大學和鐵路西北片參展並多次獲獎,部分被收入《陝西鐵路書法作品選》和《陝西老年詩詞書法選》。其中一幅《魁星點斗》作品頗具神韻,如詩似畫,翰墨飄香,被收入《當代書畫名家精英大典》及多種書畫報刊上發表,獲精英獎,並送開封翰園碑林刻石。詩詞作品連綿不斷地在《秦風》、《陝西詩詞》、《晚霞》、《金秋》、《中華詩魂》、《萬家詩》、《華夏吟友》等刊物上發表,有的被選入《當代詩詞家大詞典》和《近五十年寰球漢詩精選》至今朱老發表的詩詞作品已200餘首。精選的佳作已編入集體結集的《春泥編》、《秦風詩詞鈔》以及《中國鐵路詩詞選》中,分別由陝西人民教育出版社和中國鐵道出版社出版發行。他的書法、詩詞作品如此,他的多篇論著更具有較高理論研究參考和實際套用價值。如陝西老年大學五年校慶時,他熱情洋溢地寫了《探索學為結合,以學促為的路子》的長篇論文,在《陝西老年學通訊》(1991年,第3期)上發表後,引起廣泛重視,隨後又編入《老年大學的教與學》中,由陝西人民教育出版社出版發行。特別是在1986年,他根據《人民日報》發表的評論員文章——“老同志的新課題”寫出了《在新課題面前》一文,受到省領導的重視,被推薦發表在1987年1月27日的《陝西老年報》上。他是這樣寫,也是這樣做的。此後,這篇力作被選入《世界學術文庫》(中國言實出版社出版,1999.9)。另創作有新詩、散文、山東快書等,其中《軍魂頌》、《延安頌》均獲獎勵。事跡被收入《中國當代藝術界名人錄》(第四卷)和《中華人物辭海》(當代文化卷)。




在人才培養方面,已培養博士後1人,博士10人,碩士1人,另有多名研究生在讀,培養的研究生多人榮獲多項榮譽獎勵中國科學院院長優秀獎中國科學院王寬誠博士後工作獎勵基金上海市高等學校優秀畢業生上海市研究生優秀成果(學位論文)獎中國科學院朱李月華優秀博士生獎中國科學院研究生院三好學生上海-聯合利華研究生獎學金寶鋼優秀學生獎嚴東生獎學金已指導學生蔣亞 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學王衛偉 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學梁振華 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學齊瑞娟 碩士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學仝華 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學楊麗霞 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學馬明國 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學李亮 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學張凌 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學蔣靈 博士研究生 070304-物理化學曹少文 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學現指導學生馬釗 碩士研究生 070304-物理化學吳進 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學劉小林 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學趙新宇 碩士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學趙靜 碩士研究生 070304-物理化學湯啟立 博士研究生 070304-物理化學董國徽 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學鄭建強 碩士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學路丙強 博士研究生 070304-物理化學許景三 博士研究生 080501-材料物理與化學


目前擔任六種國際期刊的編委:Current NanoscienceRecent Patents on NanotechnologyThe Open Nanoscience JournalNanoscience Nanotechnology-AsiaJournal of Nanoscience LettersJournal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering。多次被邀請擔任多種國際權威期刊的審稿人。


2005年中國科學院百人計畫項目終期評估獲優秀2007 年入選上海市“優秀學科帶頭人”計畫2007 年獲中國科學院上海矽酸鹽研究所“優秀導師”獎2008 年獲中國科學院“朱李月華優秀教師”獎2009 年獲中國科學院上海矽酸鹽研究所“優秀導師”獎2009 年獲上海市自然科學一等獎(排名第2)曾 4 次獲中國科學院上海矽酸鹽研究所“優秀個人”


已發表論文約180 篇,其中170 余篇被 SCI 收錄,100 余篇被 EI 收錄,影響因子在 3.0 以上的SCI 論文 60 余篇。發表在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 43, 1410 (2004) 上的論文受到審稿人高度評價,入選“熱點論文”(Hot Paper)和“高引用論文”,2004 年發表後單篇論文已被引用239次。發表在 Nanotechnology, 17, 645 (2006) 的論文發表不久網上下載次數高居英國物理學會 (IOP) 所有期刊論文的前10%。發表在 Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 4361 (2005) 和 Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 8593 (2006) 二篇論文入選美國化學會“訪問次數最多論文 (Most-Accessed Article)”。發表在 J. Solid State Chem. 179, 1225 (2006) 的論文入選 2006 年下載次數最多的前 50 位論文。發表的論文已被引用約 3000 次。部分發表的論文1. Qi-Li Tang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jin Wu, Feng Chen, Shao-Wen CaoCalcium Phosphate Drug Nanocarriers with Ultrahigh and Adjustable Drug Loading Capacity: One-Step Synthesis, In-Situ Drug Loading and Prolonged Drug ReleaseNanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, (2011).2. Jing-San Xu, Ying-Jie ZhuY4Al2O9 hierarchically nanostructured microspheres assembled with nanosheets: microwave-solvothermal synthesis combined with thermal treatment and photocatalytic propertyMaterials Letters, (2011).3. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*Monodisperse α-Fe2O3 Mesoporous Microspheres: One-Step NaCl-Assisted Microwave-Solvothermal Preparation, Size Control and Photocatalytic PropertyNanoscale Research Letters, 6, 1 (2011).4. Feng Chen, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Kui-Hua Zhang, Jin Wu, Ke-Wei Wang, Qi-Li Tang, Xiu-Mei MoEuropium-doped Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Porous Nanospheres: Preparation and Application as Luminescent Drug CarriersNanoscale Research Letters, 6, 65 (2011).5. Jikun Chen, Zhengliang Sun, Yingjie Zhu, Nuofu Chen, Yanfei Zhou, Juan Ding, Xihong Chen and Lidong ChenTop-down fabrication of nano-scaled Bi2Se0.3Te2.7 associated by electrochemical Li intercalationDalton Transactions, 40, 340-343 (2011).6. Xiao-Lin Liu, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangSiO2/Cd(OH)2 Composite Nanotubes Prepared by Microwave-solvothermal Transformation Using Water-dissolvable KCdCl3 Nanowires as Precursor and TemplateMaterials Letters, 65, 343-345 (2011).7. Feng Chen, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Ke-Wei Wang, Kuai-Le ZhaoSurfactant-free solvothermal synthesis of hydroxylapatite nanowire/nanotube ordered arrays with biomimic structuresCrystEngComm, 13 (6), 1858-1863 (2011).8. Xiao-Lin Liu, Ying-Jie Zhu*CuS nanotubes prepared using Cu(OH)2 nanowires as self-sacrificial templateMaterials Letters, 65, 1089-1091 (2011).9. Ming-Guo Ma*, Jie-Fang Zhu, Run-Cang Sun, Feng Chen, Ying-Jie ZhuSynthesis and characterization of the tellurium/calcium silicate nanocompositeMaterials Letters, 65, 424-426 (2011).10. Ke-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xiao-Yan Chen, Wan-Yin Zhai, Qi Wang, Feng Chen, Jiang Chang and You-Rong Duan*Flower-Like Hierarchically Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Hollow Spheres: Facile Preparation and Application in Anticancer Drug Cellular DeliveryChemistry - An Asian Journal, 5 (12), 2477-2482 (2010).11. Ling Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, and Jing-Biao CuiNanostructures of Metal Tellurides (PbTe, CdTe, CoTe2, Bi2Te3, and Cu7Te4) with Various Morphologies: A General Solvothermal Synthesis and Optical PropertiesEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 3005-3011 (2010).12. Qi-Li Tang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, You-Rong Duan, Qi Wang, Ke-Wei Wang, Shao-Wen Cao, Feng Chen, Jin WuPorous Nanocomposites of PEG-PLA/Calcium Phosphate: Room-Temperature Synthesis and its Application in Drug DeliveryDalton Transactions, 39, 4435-4439 (2010).13. Feng Chen, Qi-Li Tang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Ke-Wei Wang, Mei-Li Zhang, Wan-Yin Zhai and Jiang ChangHydroxyapatite Nanorods/Poly(vinyl pyrolidone) Composite Nanofibers, Arrays and Three-Dimensional Fabrics: Electrospun Preparation and Transformation to Hydroxyapatite NanostructuresActa Biomaterialia, 6, 3013-3020 (2010).14. Guo-Jun Wu, Lin-Zhu Zhou, Ke-Wei Wang, Feng Chen, Ying Sun, You-Rong Duan*, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Hong-Chen Gu*Hydroxylapatite Nanorods: An Efficient and Promising Carrier for Gene TransfectionJournal of Colloid and Interface Science, 345, 427-432 (2010).15. Jin Wu, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Shao-Wen Cao, Feng ChenHierachically Nanostructured Mesoporous Spheres of Calcium Silicate Hydrate: Surfactant-Free Sonochemical Synthesis and Drug Delivery System with Ultrahigh Drug-Loading CapacityAdvanced Materials, 22, 749-753 (2010).16. Ke-Wei Wang, Lin-Zhu Zhou, Ying Sun, Guo-Jun Wu, Hong-Chen Gu, You-Rong Duan, Feng Chen and Ying-Jie Zhu*Calcium Phosphate/PLGA-mPEG Hybrid Porous Nanospheres: A Promising Vector with Ultrahigh Gene Loading and Transfection EfficiencyJournal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 1161-1166 (2010).17. Guo-Hui Dong, Ying-Jie Zhu,* and Li-Dong ChenMicrowave-assisted Rapid Synthesis of Sb2Te3 Nanosheets and Thermoelectric Properties of Bulk Samples Prepared by Spark Plasma SinteringJournal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 1976-1981 (2010).18. Jin Wu, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangMicrowave-assisted Preparation of Ca6Si6O17(OH)2 and β-CaSiO3 NanobeltsMaterials Research Bulletin, 45, 509-512 (2010).19. Ling Jiang, Ying-Jie ZhuA General Solvothermal Route to the Synthesis of CoTe, Ag2Te/Ag and CdTe Nanostructures with Varied MorphologiesEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, No. 8, 1238-1243 (2010).20. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu, Jin Wu, Ke-Wei Wang, Qi-Li TangPreparation and Sustained-Release Property of Triblock Copolymer/Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposite as Nanocarrier for Hydrophobic DrugNanoscale Research Letters, 5 (4), 781-785 (2010).21. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jing-Biao CuiIron Hydroxyl Phosphate Microspheres: Microwave-Solvothermal Ionic Liquid Synthesis, Morphology Control and Photoluminescent PropertiesJournal of Solid State Chemistry, 183, 1704-1709 (2010).22. Xiao-Lin Liu, Iraklis Pappas, Michael Fitzgerald, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Matthew Eibling and Long Pan*Solvothermal Synthesis and Characterization of ZrO2 Nanostructures Using Zirconium PrecursorMaterials Letters, 64, 1591-1594 (2010).23. Ke-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Feng Chen, Shao-Wen CaoCalcium phosphate/block copolymer hybrid porous nanospheres: preparation and application in drug deliveryMaterials Letters, 64, 2299-2301 (2010).24. Ling Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu* and Jing-Biao CuiCetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Assisted Self-Assembly of NiTe2 Nanoflakes: Nanoflake Arrays and Their Photoluminescence PropertiesJournal of Solid State Chemistry, 183, 2358-2364 (2010).25. Ming-Guo Ma, Jie-Fang Zhu, Run-Cang Sun, Ying-Jie ZhuMicrowave-assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Bi2O3 Spheres Assembled from Nanosheets with Pore StructureMaterials Letters, 64, 1524–1527 (2010).26. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangPreparation and Photocatalytic Property of α-Fe2O3 Hollow Core/Shell Hierarchical NanostructuresJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 71, 1680-1683 (2010).27. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*Iron Oxide Hollow Spheres: Microwave-Hydrothermal Ionic Liquid Preparation, Formation Mechanism, Crystal Phase and Morphology Control and PropertiesActa Materialia, 57, 2154-2165 (2009).28. Ling Zhang, Ying-Jie Zhu*ZnO Micro- and Nano-structures: Microwave-assisted Solvothermal Synthesis, Morphology Control and Photocatalytic PropertiesApplied Physics A, 97, 847-852 (2009).29. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles: Microwave-Hydrothermal Ionic Liquid Synthesis and Photocatalytic Property over PhenolJournal of Hazardous Materials, 171, 431-435 (2009).30. Feng Chen, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Ke-Wei Wang, Yu-Bai PanA Simple Strategy for Preparation of a Series of One-dimensional Rare Earth Oxides Using Rare Earth Precursors as TemplatesCurrent Nanoscience, 5, 266-272 (2009).31. Hua Tong, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jiang ChangWater-Soluble CdS Nanospheres Assembled from Quantum DotCurrent Nanoscience, 5, 278-282 (2009).32. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu* and Yu-Ping ZengFormation of γ-Fe2O3 Hierarchical Nanostructures at 500oC in a High Magnetic FieldJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321, 3057-3060 (2009).33. Ling Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Cu2S Nanostructures Prepared by Cu-Cysteine Precursor Templated RouteMaterials Letters, 63, 1935-1938 (2009).34. Jin Wu, Ying-Jie Zhu*Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ca2(SiO3)(OH)2 Microbelts and Their Transformation to β-Ca2SiO4 Microbelts by Microwave HeatingMaterials Letters, 63, 761-763 (2009).35. Hua Tong, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xiao-Lin LiuWater-dissolvable and Reactive KCdCl3 Nanowires: Precursor and Template for Preparation of CdS and CdSe NanotubesChemistry Letters, 38 (3), 228-229 (2009).36. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Shu-Hong LiA Simple Route to the Synthesis of BaCrO4 Microstructures at Room TemperatureMaterials Research Bulletin, 44, 288-293 (2009).37. Xiao-Lin Liu, Ying-Jie Zhu*A Precursor Nanowire Templated Route to CdS NanowiresMaterials Letters, 63, 1085-1088 (2009).38. Qi-Li Tang, Ke-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Feng ChenSingle-step Rapid Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Polyacrylamide-Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposites in Aqueous SolutionMaterials Letters, 63, 1332-1334 (2009).39. Kaili Lin, Jiang Chang, Yingjie Zhu, Wei Wu, Guofeng Cheng, Yi Zeng and Meiling RuanA Facile One-Step Surfactant-Free and Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Method to Prepare Uniform 3D Structured Carbonated Apatite FlowersCrystal Growth Design, 9 (1), 177-181 (2009).40. Ming-Guo Ma, Jie-Fang Zhu, Run-Cang Sun, Ying-Jie ZhuHydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of CePO4/C Core/Shell NanorodsMaterials Letters, 63, 2513-2515 (2009).41. Qin Yao, Yingjie Zhu, Lidong Chen, Zhengliang Sun, Xihong ChenMicrowave-assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Bi2Te3 Nanosheets and NanotubesJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 481, 91-95 (2009).42. Ming-Yan Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Liang Li, Shao-Wen CaoNanostructured Porous Hollow Ellipsoidal Capsules of Hydroxyapatite and Calcium Silicate: Preparation and Application in Drug DeliveryJournal of Materials Chemistry, 18, 2722-2727 (2008).43. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*Hierarchically Nanostructured α-Fe2O3 Hollow Spheres: Preparation, Growth Mechanism, Photocatalytic Property and Application in Water TreatmentThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 6253-6257 (2008).44. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Ming-Yan Ma, Liang Li, Ling ZhangHierarchically Nanostructured Magnetic Hollow Spheres of Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3: Preparation and Potential Application in Drug DeliveryThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 1851-1856 (2008).45. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*Surfactant-free Preparation and Drug Release Property of Magnetic Hollow Core/Shell Hierarchical NanostructuresThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 12149-12156 (2008).46. Ling Zhang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of AlOOH Hierarchically Nanostructured Microspheres and Their Transformation to γ-Al2O3 with Similar MorphologiesThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 16764-16768 (2008).47. Shao-Wen Cao, Ying-Jie Zhu*Fe3O4 Polyhedral Nanoparticles with a High Magnetization Sythesized in Mixed Solvent Ethylene Glycol-Water SystemNew Journal of Chemistry, 32 (9), 1526-1530 (2008).48. Ling Zhang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Shao-Wen CaoSnO2 and ZnO Nanostructured Spheres Sel-assembled by Nanocrystals: Microwave-assisted Preparation and Enhancement of Photocatalytic ActivityChemistry Letters, 37 (9), 1002-1003 (2008).49. Liang Li, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Preparation of Calcium Sulfate NanowiresMaterials Letters, 62, 4552-4554 (2008).50. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*Hydrothermal Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide Microstructures Assembled from NeedlesJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 455, L15-L18 (2008).51. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Hua Tong, Liang Li, Ling ZhangMultistep Synthesis of CuO nanorod Bundles and Interconnected Nanosheets Using Cu2(OH)3Cl Plates as PrecursorMaterials Chemistry and Physics, 112, 442-447 (2008).52. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangFabrication and Characterization of BaCO3 NanostructuresMaterials Letters, 62, 3110-3113 (2008).53. Ming-Guo Ma and Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave Synthesis of SrCO3 One-dimensional Nanostructures Assembled from Nanocrystals Using Ethylenediamine AdditiveMaterials Letters, 62, 2512-2515 (2008).54. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jiang ChangSolvothermal Preparation of Hydroxyapatite Microtubes in Water/N,N-dimethylformamide Mixed SolventsMaterials Letters, 62, 1642-1645 (2008).55. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangMicrowave Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO with Various MorphologiesMaterials Letters, 62, 507-510 (2008).56. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangSolvothermal Synthesis of Boehmite and γ-Alumina NanorodsJournal of Materials Science and Technology, 24, 637-640 (2008).57. Wei-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu* and Li-Xia YangZnO/SnO2 Hollow Spheres and Hierarchical Nanosheets: Hydrothermal Preparation, Formation Mechanism and Photocatalytic PropertiesAdvanced Functional Materials, 17, 59-64 (2007).58. Yuanhui Zheng, Chongqi Chen, Yingying Zhan, Xingyi in, Qi Zheng, Kemei Wei, Jiefang Zhu, Ying-Jie ZhuLiminescence and Photocatalytic Activity of ZnO Nanocrystals: Correlation between Structure and PropertyInorganic Chemistry, 46, 6675-6682 (2007).59. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Hua Tong, Zhen-Hua Liang, Wei-Wei WangHierarchcal β-Ni(OH)2 and NiO Carnations Assembled from Nanosheet Building BlocksCrystal Growth Design, 7, 2716-2719 (2007).60. Hua Tong, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Li-Xia Yang, Liang Li, Ling Zhang, Jiang Chang, Li-Qiong An, and Shi-Wei WangSelf-Assembled ZnS Nanostructured Spheres: Controllable Crystal Phase and MorphologyThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, 3893-3900 (2007).61. Jie-Fang Zhu, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Ming-Guo Ma, Li-Xia Yang, Lian GaoSimultaneous and Rapid Microwave Synthesis of Polyacrylamide-Metal Sulfide (Ag2S, Cu2S, HgS) NanocompositesThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, 3920-3926 (2007).62. Wei-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Magnetite Nanosheets in Mixed Solvents of Ethylene Glycol and WaterCurrent Nanoscience, 3 (2), 171-176 (2007).63. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*A Simple Route to Synthesis of SrCO3 with Olive-like and Flower-like MorphologiesJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 7, 4552-4556 (2007).64. Xian-Zhu Fu, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Qing-Chi Xu, Jun Li, Jia-Hong Pan, Jeff-Qiang Xu, Jing-Dong Lin, Dai-Wei LiaoNikel Oxyhydroxides with Various Oxidation States Prepared by Chemical Oxidation of Spherical β-Ni(OH)2Solid State Ionics, 178, 987-993 (2007).65. Ya Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Bi2Te3 Nanostructures Prepared by Microwave HeatingJournal of Crystal Growth, 306, 351-355 (2007).66. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jie-Fang Zhu, Zi-Li XuA Simple Route to Synthesis of BaCO3 Nanostructures in Water/Ethylene Glycol Mixed SolventsMaterials Letters, 61, 5133-5136 (2007).67. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Hua Tong, Zhen-Hua Liang, Liang Li, Ling Zhang Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nickel Hydroxide Nanostructures in Mixed Solvents of Water and AlcoholJournal of Solid State Chemistry, 180, 2095-2101 (2007).68. Zhen-Hua Liang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangSynthesis of ZnO Nanosheets by Room-Temperature Decomposition of a Layered Precursor Synthesized by Microwave HeatingJournal of Materials Science, 42, 477-482 (2007).69. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Zi-Li XuA New Route to Synthesis of γ-Alumina NanorodsMaterials Letters, 61, 1812-1815 (2007).70. Wei-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Mei-Ling RuanMicrowave-assisted Synthesis and Magnetic Property of Magnetite and Hematite NanoparticlesJournal of Nanoparticle Research, 9, 419-426 (2007).71. Ya Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Li-Dong ChenMicrowave Synthesis of Bi2Te3 Hollow NanospheresChemistry Letters, 36 (3), 382-383 (2007).72. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Hua Tong, Wei-Wei WangSubmicroncubes and Highly Oriented Assembles of MnCO3 Synthesized by Ultrasound Agitation Method and Their Thermal Transformation to Nanoporous Mn2O3Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 14, 259-265 (2007).73. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng ChengSynthesis of Well-Crystallized Birnessite Using Ethylene Glycol as a Reducing ReagentMaterials Research Bulletin, 42, 159-164 (2007).74. Hua Tong, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Li-Xia Yang, Liang Li, Ling ZhangLead Chalcogenide (PbE: E = S, Se, Te) Nanotubes Synthesized by Biomolecule-Assisted Self-Assembly of Nanocrystals at Room TemperatureAngewandte Chemie International Edition, 45, 7739-7742 (2006).75. Jie-Fang Zhu, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-Assisted One-step Synthesis of Polyacrylamide-metal (M = Ag, Pt, Cu) Nanocomposites in Ethylene GlycolThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 8593-8597 (2006).76. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Wei-Wei Wang, Hua Tong, Mei-Ling RuanSynthesis and Formation Mechanism of Nanoneedles and Nanorods of Manganese Oxide Octahedral Molecular Sieve in an Ionic LiquidThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 6609-6614 (2006).77. Rui-Juan Qi, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate (Vaterite) of Various Morphologies in Water-Ethylene Glycol Mixed SolventsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 8302-8306 (2006).78. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jiang ChangMonetite Formed in Mixed Solvents of Water and Ethylene Glycol and Its Transformation to HydroxyapatiteThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 14226-14230 (2006).79. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo Hu, Wei-Wei WangPoly(vinylpyrrolidone): A New Reductant for Preparation of Tellurium Nanorods, Nanowires and Tubes from TeO2Nanotechnology, 17, 645-650 (2006).80. Hua Tong, Ying-Jie Zhu*Synthesis of CdS Nanocrystals Based on Low-temperature Thermolysis of One Single-source Organometallic PrecursorNanotechnology, 17, 845-851 (2006).81. Ya Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng ChengSynthesis of Bi2Se3 Nanosheets by Microwave Heating Using an Ionic LiquidCrystal Growth Design, 6, 2174-2176 (2006).82. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Liang Li, Ling Zhang, Hua Tong, Wei-Wei Wang, Guo-Feng Cheng, and Jie-Fang ZhuA Facile Hydrothermal Route to Flower-like Cobalt Hydroxide and OxideEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 4787-4792 (2006).83. Ming-Guo Ma, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Jie-Fang Zhu, Guo-Feng ChengMicrowave-assisted Synthesis and Characterization of BaCO3 NanorodsChemistry Letters, 35, 1138-1139 (2006).84. Liang Li, Ying-Jie Zhu*High Chemical Reactivity of Silver Nanoparticles toward Hydrochloric AcidJournal of Colloid and Interface Science, 303, 415-418 (2006).85. Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Hua Tong, Wei-Wei Wang, Guo-Feng ChengLow Temperature Synthesis of Mn3O4 Polyhedral Nanocrystals and Magnetic StudyJournal of Solid State Chemistry, 179, 1225-1229 (2006).86. Ya Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Zi-Li XuRapid Synthesis of Bi2S3 Nanocrystals with Different Morphologies by Microwave HeatingMaterials Letters, 60, 2294-2298 (2006).87. Wei-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangMicrowave-assisted Synthesis of Cupric Oxide Nanosheets and NanowhiskersMaterials Letters, 60, 609-612 (2006).88. Zhen-Hua Liang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Chen, Yue-Hong HuangMicrowave-assisted Synthesis of β-Co(OH)2 and Co3O4 Nanosheets via a Layered Precursor Conversion MethodCanadian Journal of Chemistry, 84, 1050-1053 (2006).89. Ya Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Sulfide M2S3 (M = Bi, Sb) Nanorods Using an Ionic LiquidThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 4361-4364 (2005).90. Qui-Juan Qi, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Guo-Feng Cheng, Yue-Hong HuangSonochemical Synthesis of Single-crystalline CeOHCO3 Rods and Their Thermal Conversion to CeO2 RodsNanotechnology, 16, 2502-2506 (2005).91. Wei-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Synthesis of PbCrO4 and Pb2CrO5 Rods via a Microwave-assisted Ionic Liquid MethodCrystal Growth and Design, 5, 505-507 (2005).92. Wei-Wei Wang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Cobalt Oxalate Nanorods and Their Thermal Conversion to Co3O4 RodsMaterials Research Bulletin, 40, 1929-1935 (2005).93. Zhen-Hua Liang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Single-crystalline CuO Nanosheets Synthesized from a Layered PrecursorChemistry Letters, 34 (2), 214-215 (2005).94. Zhen-Hua Liang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Synthesis of Uniformly Sized Cu2O Crystals with Star-like and Flower-like MorphologiesMaterials Letters, 59, 2423-2425 (2005).95. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Wei-Wei Wang, Rui-Juan Qi, Xian-Luo HuMicrowave-assisted Synthesis of Single-crystalline Tellurium Nanorods and Nanowires in Ionic LiquidsAngewandte Chemie International Edition, 43, 1410-1014 (2004).96. Zhen-Hua Liang, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo Huβ-Nickel Hydroxide Nanosheets and Their Thermal Decomposition to Nickel Oxide NanosheetsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, 3488-3491 (2004).97. Xian-Luo Hu, Ying-Jie Zhu*Morphology Control of PbWO4 Nano- and Microcrystals via a Simple, Seedless, and High-Yield Wet Chemical RouteLangmuir, 20, 1521-1523 (2004).98. Ya Jiang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Metal Sulfides Using an Ionic LiquidChemistry Letters, 33 (10), 1390-1391 (2004).99. Zhen-Hua Liang, Ying-Jie Zhu*Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Single-crystalline CuO NanoleavesChemistry Letters, 33 (10), 1314-1315 (2004).100. Xian-Luo Hu, Ying-Jie Zhu*, Shi-Wei WangSonochemical and Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Linked Single-crystalline ZnO RodsMaterials Chemistry and Physics, 88, 421-426 (2004).101. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo HuPreparation of Powders of Selenium Nanorods and Nanowires by Microwave-polyol MethodMaterials Letters, 58, 1234-1236 (2004).102. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo HuMicrowave-assisted Polythiol Reduction Method: A New Solid-liquid Route to Fast Preparation of Silver NanowiresMaterials Letters, 58, 1517-1519 (2004).103. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo HuTellurim Nanorods and Nanowires Prepared by the Microwave-polyol MethodChemistry Letters, 33 (6), 760-761 (2004).104. Xian-Luo Hu, Ying-Jie Zhu*Single-crystalline PbCrO4 Nanowires and Their Hydrothermal Transformation to Amorphous PbCr3O10 NanotubesChemistry Letters, 33 (7), 880-881 (2004).105. Wei-Wei Wang and Ying-Jie Zhu*Synthesis of Needle-like and Flower-like Zinc Oxide by A Simple Surfactant-free Solution MethodChemistry Letters, 33 (8), 988-989 (2004).106. Wei-Wei Wang and Ying-Jie Zhu*Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Zinc Oxide by Microwave Heating Using an Imidazolium SaltInorganic Chemistry Communications, 7, 1003-1005 (2004).107. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo HuMicrowave-polythiol Method. A New Route to Preparation of Tellurium with Various MorphologiesChemistry Letters, 32, 732-733 (2003).108. Ying-Jie Zhu*, Xian-Luo HuMicrowave-polyol Preparation of Single-crystalline Gold Nanorods and NanowiresChemistry Letters, 32, 1140-1141 (2003).109. Yingjie Zhu, Albert Schnieders, Jennifer D.Alexander and Thomas P. Beebe,Jr.Pit-Templated Synthesis and Oxygen Adsorption Properties of Gold Nanostructures on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic GraphiteLangmuir, 18 (15), 5728-5733 (2002).110. Ari P. Seitsonen, Yingjie Zhu, Kolja Bedürftig, Herbert OverBonding Mechanism and Atomic Geometry of an Ordered Hydroxyl Overlayer on Pt(111)Journal of The American Chemical Society, 123, 7347-7351 (2001).111. Yingjie Zhu, Jennifer D. McBride, Terra A. Hansen,Thomas P. Beebe, Jr.Controlled Production of Molecular Corrals Using Cesium Ion Bombardment:A TOF-SIMS, XPS and STM Study.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105 (10), 2010-2018 (2001).112. Yingjie Zhu, Terra A. Hansen, Sven Ammermann, Jennifer D. McBride, Thomas P. Beebe, Jr.Nanometer-size Monolayer and Multilayer Molecule Corrals on HOPGA Depth-Resolved Mechanistic Study by STMThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105 (32), 7632-7638 (2001).113. Jinho Hyun, Yingjie Zhu, Mohammed Heideran, Andrea Liebmann-Vinson,Thomas P. Beebe, Jr., and Ashutosh ChilkotiMicrostamping on an Activated Polymer Surface: Patterning Biotin and Streptavidin onto Common Polymeric BiomaterialsLangmuir, 17 (20), 6358-6367 (2001).114. Yingjie Zhu, Neal Olson and Thomas P. Beebe, Jr.Surface Chemical Characterization of 2.5-Micron Particulates from Air Pollution in Salt Lake City Using TOF-SIMS, XPS and FTIREnvironmental Science and Technology, 35 (15), 3113-3121 (2001).115. Yu-Shiu Lo, Yingjie Zhu, Thomas P. Beebe, Jr.Loading-Rate Dependence of Individual Ligand-Receptor Bond-Rupture Forces Studied by Atomic Force MicroscopyLangmuir, 17 (12), 3741-3748 (2001).116. Y. D. Kim, Y. J. Zhu, S. Wendt, A. P. Seitsonen, S. Schwegmann, H. Bludau and H. Over,Comparison of The Electronic Structure and Surface Geometry of The Metastable Cs + O Overlayers on Ru (0001)Physical Review B, 61 (12), 8455-8461 (2000).117. I. Coulthard, D. T. Jiang, Y. J. Zhu and T. K. 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