

Denean詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Denean演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


Denean,美國創作音樂才女。Denean中文簡介:Denean是一位才華橫溢的女藝人。她的多數作品從詞、曲、演唱到鋼琴伴奏都一手包辦,Denean飄渺的歌聲清新,通透,就好像置身天籟,感受到天堂。那種簡單而質樸的旋律,甜美而踏實的聲線,聽來分外的親切和喜歡。無論旋律的編排,她的鋼琴演奏,更主要的她的演唱,都是非常實實在在,靠著簡潔而優美的旋律,甜美而實質的歌聲來打動人,聽來如同茗品一盅濃厚的烏龍茶般的有質感。而那種甜美,卻是甜而不膩,當旋律已然淡去,卻依然有種回味,而余香仿佛依舊。Denean英文簡介:Denean, winner of the 2000 New Mexico MIC Awards Producer of the Year, began playing piano when she was three. background ranges from classical and gospel to my Nashville years as a country/pop singer, songwriter and recording artist. In 1990 my creative focus turned to music for healing and nurturing the soul, thus my true path began. says Denean.Denean spent over a decade on the Nashville scene. She has worked with Barbara Mandrell, Leon Russell, Ricky Skaggs, Gene Hughes (The Casinos), Connie name a few. In 1991 Denean left a recording deal with a country label to join Etherean Music of Colorado where she released Fire Prayer (1991), The Weaving (1993), and Thunder (1994) for which she has received international acclaim. While recording The Weaving Denean was also working with Disneys Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz as the voice of Pocahontas in the developmental stages of the animated feature film.In 1998 Denean formed her own company. Woo Way Intuitive Healing Arts is a combination of a music recording and production company as well as offering intuitive healing, consultation and spiritual teaching based on the Tao Te Ching and I Ching. Music releases are The Farmers Daughter (1999), Breath of Angels (2005), Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, An Instrumental Christmas Album (2005) and Ave Maria, a CD Single (2007). Future releases include a vocal album with a return musically to Native American influences.


1991年發行了第一張專輯《Fire Prayer 熊熊聖火》;1993年發行了專輯《The Weaving 織夢》;1995年推出的專輯《Thunder 蝶舞春雷》,由Denean創作的柔美悅耳的十一首樂曲,經過好萊塢金獎錄音師的精心處理下帶給我們前所未有的心靈震撼,清新而自然,更是給人一種不食人間煙火的感覺;1999年發行了第四張專輯《The farmers Daughter 農家女》;2005年發行第五張專輯《Breath of Angels 天使的呼吸》;2006年發行專輯《Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 凡有血氣皆當靜默》2009年發行專輯《Calling The Sacred》2013年發行專輯《Wiku》


  • 2008-01-03歌曲:Angels Calling Me


  • 1999年推出專輯:《農家女》
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