Eddie Murphy & Antonio Bande - Livin LaVidaLoca歌詞

時長:03分24秒 歌手:怪物史萊克

RADWIMPS - セツナレンサ
I was about to fall into this place
where I can never crawl up
I should've been to Hollywood
and meet Eddie Murphy and say
'tike tike yo tike tike yo kiddy yo
Hi Mr. please entertain us'
Why am I be the only bitch
who's sick and black of this shit and flak
And why do you asking me this homey quiz
Hitchhike, which type?
Which kind of music
Whether hiphopopopari-rock' en' roll techno disco?
Let go now, cut it out
Why that I should be such a fan of me
why? Why? Why? Why?
I am about to fall into this puddle
I can never crawl up
I've already been to Hollywood
and met Eddie Murphy he said
'Chili-chili-out-chil-chili-out kiddy yo'
here's a quarter buy yourself a grave
Why should I have to explain this shit
each time this mind devise this sight
And why t


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