
時長:04分01秒 歌手:Passing Afternoon

There are times that walk from you like some passing afternoon 有些時光從身邊流逝 仿佛逝去的午後
Summer warmed the open window of her honeymoon 夏日溫暖了她蜜月的窗
And she chose a yard to burn but the ground remembers her 她在院落焚燒落葉 土地記住了她
Wooden spoons, her children stir her Bougainvillea blooms 木勺子,她的孩子搖晃著盛開的九重葛花
There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days 事情總會慢慢淡去 就像我們無盡的日子
Autumn blew the quilt right off the perfect bed she made 秋天吹落她床上疊好的棉被
And she’s chosen to believe in the hymns her mother sings 她開始相信母親哼唱的讚美詩
Sunday pulls its children from their piles of fallen leaves 星期日在落葉堆中拉起孩子
There are sailing ships that pass all our bodies in the grass 帆船駛過 穿過青草地里我們的身體
Springtime calls her children until she lets them go at last 春天呼喚她的孩子 她終於放手讓他們走
And she’s chosen where to be, though she’s lost her wedding ring 她決定留在哪裡,雖然她遺落了的結婚戒指
Somewhere near her misplaced jar of Bougainvillea seeds 就安放在九重葛花籽瓶的附近
There are things we can

Passing Afternoon最好聽的歌

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