經久耐聽 還是我的最愛 只推出經典的歌詞

添加日期:2009-09-23 時長:04分26秒 歌手:未知歌手

歌名:Take A Bow〖鞠躬〗
Made By 『月光·疾風TT』【】
How about a round of applause〖給你來點歡呼怎樣?〗
Yeah, standin ovation〖再來個起立鼓掌〗
You look so dumb right now〖你看起來如此笨拙〗
Standing outside my house〖呆站在我家門外〗
Trying to apologize〖嘗試著向我道歉〗
You re so ugly when you cry〖你啼哭的樣子還真難看〗
Please, just cut it out〖拜託 別在我面前裝模作樣了〗
Don t tell me you re sorry cause you re not〖你絲毫沒有感到內疚時不要向我道歉〗
Baby when I know you re only sorry you got caught〖親愛的 我知道你只是被人發現說謊時感到抱歉〗
But you put on quite a show〖但是你上演了一出很好的戲〗
You really had me going〖真的讓我相信了你的謊言〗
But now it s time to go〖但現在一切將告一段落〗
Curtain s finally closing〖所有的事情都落下帷幕〗
That was quite a show〖那真是一場精采絕倫的表演〗
Very entertaining〖娛樂性十足〗
But it s over now〖但現在一切將隨風而去〗
Go on and take a bow〖為這齣精彩的表演鞠躬答謝吧〗
Grab your clothes and get gone〖收拾好你的衣物 在我眼前消失吧〗
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on〖你最好在細雨來臨之前趕快離開吧〗
Talkin about


