S02E07-part2 顧客引起的混亂歌詞

添加日期:2024-02-11 時長:01分36秒 歌手:英語聽力

-Loker: Michigan 2005. Shoppers burst through the doors of a major retail chain 'Causing multiple injuries. India 2008. Rumors of a landslide at a Hindu temple cause panic. About 140 people lose their lives trying to escape. Los Angeles. Lakers fans celebrate a championship by looting and rioting. About a million dollars worth of property damage to local businesses. In every example, the violence was instigated by someone in the crowd.
-Mr. Bernardo: What are you proposing, Mr. Loker?
-Loker: Two of your customers died. Dozens were injured. People are looking for a scapegoat, and digital corner's an easy target . What if I could prove your company wasn't at fault?
-Mr. Bernardo: Cases like this turn on comparative negligence. If the stampede was crowd induced, It would reduce the settlement considerably.
-Loker: This is the raw feed from channel 3. Notice the dad showing his boys how to lock arms and form a phalanx.
-Mr. Bernardo: They... What, they expected violence?
-Loker: Well, convergence theory says that if crowds act aggressively, It’s because people bring an aggressive mindset to it. And in the close-ups, you can see their faces. they're identical to those of athletes during competition. This crowd was a powder keg and somebody in it was the spark.
-Mr. Bernardo: Maybe so, but we can't have our name dragged through the press during our busy shopping season. We're planning on settling first thing Monday morning. How much are you expecting to pay out?
-Mr. Bernardo: 20 million give or take.
-Loker: Give me a few days to prove my thesis before your settle. If I can trace the stampede to somebody in the crowd, The Lightman Group gets 10% of what you save.
-Mr. Bernardo: You save us 10 million, you earn one.
-Loker: And if you pay the full 20, we don't see a dime.
密西根州 2005 burst through: 撥開闖進 major: 主要的 retail chain: 連鎖店零售商店 multiple: 許多的 injury: 傷害顧客衝進了一家大型連鎖店的門引發了多起傷害 印度 2008 rumors: 謠言 landslide: 塌方山崩 Hindu: 印度的印度人的 temple: 寺廟 panic: 恐慌的印度教神廟塌方的謠傳引起了恐慌 escape: 逃亡140人在逃亡時喪命 洛杉磯 Lakers: 湖人隊 fans: 狂熱者 championship: 錦標賽冠軍賽 loot: 搶劫 riot: 暴亂騷亂 湖人隊的冬粉們用騷亂和搶劫來慶祝勝利 property damage: 財產損失 local: 當地的給當地商店帶來了將近100萬美元的財物損失 violence: 暴力 instigate: 慫恿教唆 crowd: 人群在每起事件當中暴力都是被人群當中的某些人挑起的 propose: 建議打算你想說明什麼 Loker先生 customer: 顧客你的2名顧客死亡 dozens: 許多的數十人受傷 scapegoat: 替罪羊人們在找替罪羊digital: 數碼的 target: 靶目標很容易想到數碼廣場 prove: 證明 at fault: 有責任如果我能證明你的公司沒有責任會怎樣 comparative: 比較的相對的 negligence: 粗心大意忽視這種案件可以看作相對過失 stampede: 人群的蜂擁 induced: 引誘如果踏踩事件是由人群引發的 settlement 解決處理 considerably: 相當地非常地會在很大程度上減少賠償額 raw: 未加工的 feed: 原料 channel: 頻道這是來自第三頻道的原片 lock: 緊緊摟住注意那個父親他正教孩子們手挽手 phalanx: 方陣組成方陣 expect: 預料 violence: 暴力激烈他們…什麼他們預計到了騷亂 convergence theory: 趨同論 aggressively: 侵略地攻擊地好吧趨同論解釋說挑釁行為 aggressive: 好鬥的侵略的 mindset: 心態傾向源自於挑釁情緒 close-up: 特寫鏡頭通過特寫鏡頭你可以看見他們的臉 be identical to : 與…一樣 athletes: 運動員 competition: 競賽他們和在比賽當中的運動員一樣 power keg: 炸藥桶 spark: 火花這群人就像火藥桶而當中的某人就是火花 drag: 拖拉 press: 新聞界可能就像你說的那樣但我們不能讓媒體挖出我們公司的名字尤其在我們的銷售旺季 我們計畫周一一大早就搞定 pay out: 付現金你們打算出多少錢 give or take: 增減……而無大變化;允許有小誤差兩千萬左右 thesis: 論點論文 settle: 解決 你們行動之前給我幾天時間來證明我的論斷 trace: 追蹤查探 stampede: 人群的蜂擁 crowd: 人群如果我能找到引起踩踏的那個人 你們省下的資金的10%歸Lightman團隊所有 你替我們節省一千萬你賺一百萬 dime: 一角硬幣如果你們支付了所有萬我們一分錢也得不到




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