
添加日期:2024-02-09 時長:02分51秒 歌手:小晶

♪ Look out for yourself! ♪
♪ I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows ♪
♪ For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground ♪
♪ I’m searching to behold the stories that are told ♪
♪ When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned ♪
♪ Tell you you’re the greatest ♪
♪ But once you turn they hate us ♪
♪ Oh, the misery! ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be my enemy ♪
♪ Spare the sympathy ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Look out for yourself! ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Look out for yourself! ♪
♪ But I’m ready ♪
♪ Your words up on the wall as you’re praying for my fall ♪
♪ And the laughter in the halls and the names that I’ve been called ♪
♪ I stack it in my mind and I’m waiting for the time ♪
♪ When I show you what it’s like to be words spit in a mic ♪
♪ Tell you you’re the greatest ♪
♪ But once you turn they hate us ♪
♪ Oh, the misery! ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be my enemy ♪
♪ Spare the sympathy ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Look out for yourself! ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Look out for yourself! ♪
♪ Look. Okay. ♪
♪ I’m hoping that somebody pray for me ♪
♪ I’m praying that somebody hope for me ♪
♪ I’m staying where nobody ‘posed to be. P-p-posted. ♪
♪ Being a wreck of emotions ♪
♪ Ready to go whenever just let me know ♪
♪ The road is long so put the pedal into the floor ♪
♪ The enemy’s on my trail, my energy unavailable ♪
♪ Imma tell ‘em hasta luego ♪
♪ They wanna plot on my trot to the top ♪
♪ I’ve been outta shape thinkin’ out the box ♪
♪ I’m an astronaut, I blasted off the planet rock ♪
♪ To cause Catastrophe and it matters more because I had it not ♪
♪ Had I thought about wreaking havoc on an opposition ♪
♪ Kinda shockin’ they wanted static with precision, I’m automatic quarterback ♪
♪ I ain't talkin' sacking pack it pack it up I don't panic batter batter up ♪
♪ Who the baddest it don’t matter, cause we at ya throat ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be my enemy ♪
♪ Spare the sympathy ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Oh, the misery! ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be my enemy ♪
♪ Spare the sympathy ♪
♪ Everybody wants to be ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Ayo-ay I swear I never be insane-oh-ay ♪
♪ My enemy ♪
♪ Ayo-ay I swear I never be insane ♪
♪ Look out for yourself! ♪
♪ 為自己活!♪
♪ 不知不覺發覺 沉默可以讓我♪
♪ 想法自由自在 洞悉變化襲來♪
♪ 讓我看看是誰 當著我面微笑 ♪
♪ 背著我面捅刀 滿嘴胡編亂造 ♪
♪ 人前誇你最出色 ♪
♪ 人後罵你最邪惡 ♪
♪ 啊,難過!♪
♪ 每個人都想與我為敵 ♪
♪ 別再假惺惺 ♪
♪ 就是所有人都想 ♪
♪ 與我為敵 ♪
♪ 為自己活!♪
♪ 與我為敵 ♪
♪ 為自己活!♪
♪ 來吧我不怕♪
♪ 你寫在牆上的字 祈禱我墮落的詞 ♪
♪ 對我的譏諷嘲笑 給我的惡名惡號 ♪
♪ 全都扎在心裡 早晚時機一到 ♪
♪ 就像嘴巴出子彈 你們一個別想逃 ♪
♪ 人前誇你最出色 ♪
♪ 人後罵你最邪惡 ♪
♪ 啊,悲慘!♪
♪ 每個人都想與我為敵 ♪
♪ 收起你的假惺惺 ♪
♪ 就是所有人都想 ♪
♪ 與我為敵 ♪
♪ 為自己活!♪
♪ 為敵就為敵 ♪
♪ 要為自己活!♪
♪ 嘿,聽著♪
♪ 希望有人祈禱為我 ♪
♪ 祈禱能有希望給我 ♪
♪ 待在不是人待的地方 內心炸響 ♪
♪ 名字上榜 ♪
♪ 言語一聲 現在就能出發 ♪
♪ 路很遙遠 油門踩到爆炸♪
♪ 敵人緊追 能量哪裡不對 ♪
♪ 我得轉頭 跟他們說聲再會 ♪
♪ 別想一路總給我 玩點什麼邪念 ♪
♪ 壞脾氣天生沒怕 管你今天明天 ♪
♪ 瘋起來我手底下 不留任何情面 ♪
♪ 打碎你家玻璃可 別找我要抱歉 ♪
♪ 搞點破壞又怎么 本性隨時線上 ♪
♪ 飛彈出膛轟轟轟 跟我沖一路向前 ♪
♪ 閉嘴吧閉嘴吧我沒說什麼忌諱 慌什麼慌什麼攻擊手已經就位 ♪
♪ 誰是壞蛋誰不是沒有什麼所謂 有種開門出來現在跟我對對 ♪
♪ 每個人都想與我為敵 ♪
♪ 別再假惺惺 ♪
♪ 就是所有人都想 ♪
♪ 與我為敵 ♪
♪ 啊,痛苦!♪
♪ 每個人都想與我為敵 ♪
♪ 別再假惺惺 ♪
♪ 就是所有人都想 ♪
♪ 與我為敵 ♪
♪ 看開點?我不是聖人好意你省省 ♪
♪ 與我為敵 ♪
♪ 大度點?裝什麼聖人別再假惺惺 ♪
♪ 就要為自己活♪


