I m Still Alive歌詞

添加日期:2010-09-21 時長:04分19秒 歌手:Beta State

This Was A Triumph 這是一次大勝利
I''m Making A Note Here: 我要做點記錄:
  It''s hard to overstate 難以用語言表達
  my satisfaction. 我的滿足
  Aperture Science 光圈科技(遊戲裡把主角當小白鼠的那個公司)
  We do what we must 我們的做我們必須做的
  because we can. 因為我們可以做大
  For the good of all of us. 為了我們美好的一切
  Except the ones who are dead. 除過那些死掉的人
But there''s no sense crying over every mistake.在每次犯錯後,哭也是毫無意義的
  You just keep on trying 繼續嘗試
  till you run out of cake. 直到蛋糕快被吃完
  And the Science gets done. 直到我們的科技完成
  And you make a neat gun. 你充當一頭小白鼠
  For the people who are 為了那些仍然活著的人
  Still Alive
  I''m not even angry. 我甚至都不生氣
  I''m being so sincere right now. 我現在是如此的純真
  Even though you broke my heart. 哪怕你使我心碎
  And killed me. 而且殺了我
  And tore me to pieces. 將我撕成碎片
  And threw every piece into a fire. 扔進烈火里
  As they burned it hurt because 碎片依然燃燒的那么凶
  I was so happy for you! 因為我為你如此高興!
  Now these points of data make a beautiful line.現在這些數據成了如此美力的一條線
  And we''re out of beta. 我們不再是試驗產品了
  We''re releasing on time. 我們從時間獲得解放
  So I''m GLAD. I got burned. 我如此開心,我被燒了
  Think of all the things we learned 想想我們學到的東西
  for the people who are 為了那些仍然活著的人們
  still alive.
  Go ahead and leave me. 前進吧,留下我
  I think I prefer to stay inside. 我想我還是願意呆在裡面
  Maybe you''ll find someone else 可能你會找到其他人幫你
  to help you.
  Maybe Black Mesa. . . 可能黑山基地 (這個就不用說了,喜歡HL的都清楚)
  HAT WAS A JOKE. HAHA FAT CHANCE.也是一個騙局,哈哈,好機會。
  Anyway. this cake is great. 不管怎么樣,蛋糕很棒
  It''s so delicious and moist. 如此美味
  Look at me still talking 看著我,當我還能說話的時候
  When Theres Science to do. 當還有實驗的時候,
  When I look out there, 我望向窗外
  it makes me GLAD I''m not you. 我真高興,我不是你
  I''ve experiments to run. 我還有實驗要做
  There is research to be done. 還有研究要做
  On the people who are 為了那些依然活著的人
  still alive.
  And believe me I am still alive. 相信我,我還活著
  I''m doing Science and I''m still alive. 我還活著,而且我在做實驗
  T feel FANTASTIC and I''m still alive. 如此難以置信,我還活著
  While you''re dying I''ll be still. 當你快死了,我也活著
  And when you''re dead I will be still alive.當你死了,我依舊活著

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