添加日期:2024-01-26 時長:04分46秒 歌手:Jaega
作詞 : Jaega
作曲 : Jaega
會當出鞘 立劍 臨四海
One day, I’ll be climbing to the top, with my sword,
筆提 刀落 俯視你的陳詞濫調 我的姿態
Cutting and breaking your cliche, when I roar.
Don’t procrastinate to create a new definition.
But for justification, I respect the old traditions.
夜破曉 一隻雄鷹穿破心臟
A hawk fly out of your heart, passes by, breaking the dawn,
千帆過 暗流潛底 只容壁崖一字排開
Leading a fleet through red sea, under the guidance of Moses.
抹去銳氣的教材 但鐘擺依然記載
The holy book swiped out the rebellion, but time keeps in mind.
年 少 輕 狂
Be young, be wild, be ambitious.
Young heroes empower a generation
所以有宗愨乘風破浪 霍去病 威震一方
Thus did, Hannibal. Thus did, Napoleon.
Veni, vidi, vici. Thus said Alexander the Great
But we are still paper-sailors, our world is GPA.
Always following a fixed routing.
The time you start running, your route is destined.
終入朝九晚五 被陳俗規則束縛
From 9 to 5, every step in their eyes。
被悉心照顧得 說不出哪裡不舒服
Flying high like a kite, but out of nobody’s sight.
They want the tree to reach the sky high on one direction
為了頂端優勢 要抑制多樣分支
so they repress branches, result of flow of auxin.
To build a resume, endure years of fatigue.
Your destiny is to be a Christmas tree.
米字格太多 所以研磨了鋒芒一層
Building my graver with bravery
carving my motherland's drapery
Modern era get rotten
So I'll repel the sickness, restore the glory of the ancient story.
會當出鞘 立劍 臨四海
One day, I’ll be climbing to the top, with my sword,
筆提 刀落 俯視你的陳詞濫調 我的姿態
Cutting and breaking your cliche, when I roar.
Don’t procrastinate to create a new definition.
But for justification, I respect the old traditions.
夜破曉 一隻雄鷹穿破心臟
A hawk fly out of your heart, passes by, breaking the dawn,
千帆過 暗流潛底 只容壁崖一字排開
Leading a fleet through red sea, under the guidance of Moses.
抹去銳氣的教材 但鐘擺依然記載
The holy book swiped out the rebellion, but time keeps in mind.
年 少 輕 狂
Be young, be wild, be ambitious.
你被成熟 只因為你被磨蝕稜角
People talk about maturity, but actually submissiveness.
難以碰壁 但無法撕破宿命的纏繞
Only when you go hard can you get to the top.
畏畏縮縮唯唯諾諾走直路 彎路的風景都不知道
On a straight boulevard you’ll never see the fantasies。
Leading a dull life, missing the pageantry.
Upon the graduation
You were filled with passion
但之後面對 大千世界你卻放棄絲毫抵抗機會
But after all of it, you surrender to realistic sophistication
美化為所謂最好的安排 減淡天真的追隨
A point of no return, but you are indulged in your own consolation
你 麻木布告 笑我如痴如醉如狂
Fake priest preserving the out-dated legacy.
如無腦 做我的異教
Keep laughing, but I'll still be the fanatic heretic
噩耗 或捷報 都能不恭地微笑
Smile on my face, whether you curse me, or bless me.
不屈服的桀驁 你安知多少
Look into my eyes. Did you get the message?
寧被誤解作胡來 也不甘被主宰
Even being misunderstood I wear my own suit
麻木的沙漠覆蓋 吞不了不乾枯的自在
Dead dessert under the sun won’t make me comfortably numb
因為勇氣的血清 仍蕩滌初心
Cuz the erum of elan kills the noise in my song.
注入舞台 將電流導向這mic
flowing into the stage and turns this mic on.
會當出鞘 立劍 臨四海
One day, I’ll be climbing to the top, with my sword,
筆提 刀落 俯視你的陳詞濫調 我的姿態
Cutting and breaking your cliche, when I roar.
Don’t procrastinate to create a new definition.
But for justification, I respect the old traditions.
夜破曉 一隻雄鷹穿破心臟
A hawk fly out of your heart, passes by, breaking the dawn,
千帆過 暗流潛底 只容壁崖一字排開
Leading a fleet through red sea, under the guidance of Moses.
抹去銳氣的教材 但鐘擺依然記載
The holy book swiped out the rebellion, but time keeps in mind.
年 少 輕 狂
Be young, be wild, be ambitious.
幼兒未識走路 就已被計畫到墳墓
Infants’ future is scheduled till death
管他四隻兩隻三隻足 都演的一出
Whether junior or senior, playing the same cassette
而耄耋者好奇如初 老炮還在憤怒
The real rebels are still shining
只是閃爍的星光 已歸塵土
But their glory is fading with the stars decaying
輕狂而年少 還是年少而輕狂
Youth leads wildness, or ambition leads youth
答案很模糊 但自己最清楚
Nobody knows your answer except you
願橫掃沙場 別問能否清掃一桌肉
If the old general wanted to join the battle, don’t question,
長弓不圓 卻未忘西北方的星宿
just give him/ her a troop.
有些人選擇生活 大多被生活選擇
Some people choose their life, while some are chosen by
曾最討厭的模樣 水泥鋼筋的奴
Spending whole life on earning a house until they die
你別著袖扣 可能是精緻的行屍走肉
Behind the fine cufflink, there’s a dead walking
輕裝上身 可能隱藏心底野馬
Plain look hides the inner mustang roaring
鏡中白髮 缺的不只黑色素
What lacks in hair, is not only melanin
顏色增補 欲掩彌彰少年的不復
A dead heart can be cured by no medicine
The ultimate treatment is to unleash the monster.
管你老驥伏櫪 初生牛犢
Whether you are senior, or a youngster.
Preserve your fire
It’s the fruit of Prometheus’ rebellion
即使身處染缸 也要守護這傳頌
Even when you get overwhelmed, hold it up above the roof.
Let it never stop flaming on this route.
撥開現實的迷霧 去尋找它
If you’ve ever lost it, cross the mist of reality.
打開果敢的窗戶 才能找回它
It will flame again only when you be passionate.
Even when sitting on wheel chair
也要用弓箭 將它射向 高台 天邊
You can still hold you bow, aiming high, and burn the sky.
會當出鞘 立劍 臨四海
One day, I’ll be climbing to the top, with my sword,
筆提 刀落 俯視你的陳詞濫調 我的姿態
Cutting and breaking your cliche, when I roar.
Don’t procrastinate to create a new definition.
But for justification, I respect the old traditions.
夜破曉 一隻雄鷹穿破心臟
A hawk fly out of your heart, passes by, breaking the dawn,
千帆過 暗流潛底 只容壁崖一字排開
Leading a fleet through red sea, under the guidance of Moses.
抹去銳氣的教材 但鐘擺依然記載
The holy book swiped out the rebellion, but time keeps in mind.
年 少 輕 狂
Be young, be wild, be ambitious.