OVER(Prod.By M.I.KiNG)歌詞

添加日期:2023-12-28 時長:03分49秒 歌手:星河

作詞 : 星河
作曲 : 星河
Miss you but that's all over 午夜夢回,往事再難續。
I'm crossing dream and reality like an Oreo 事事與願違,如鯁在喉。
Face true,we are getting colder 月華漸冷,星耀不存。
Then I gon I gon runaway 不如離去。
I gon runaway 不如離去。
Miss you and I'm tired of horror 失之交臂,轉瞬為定局。
The story is end,no one felt sorry oh 愁恨猶存,風過了無痕?
Great,still down,I won't call dark 寥寥心事,旁人終難解。
And I don't I don't runaway 仍需自視。
I don't runaway 留待自釋。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 曾經徹夜長談,如今恍若陌客。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 過去形影不離,現在各自安好。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 一度沉醉幻覺,綺夢終將幻滅。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 昨日心頭執念,今日惹字筆尖。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 雖無緣共度餘生,也曾同行賞秋月。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 雖舊時深情不復,彼時擁有亦知足。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 遙想過往如雲煙,晚來何處是飛絮。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 逝水已成東流海,自守庭前楊柳堤。
Miss you but that's all over 午夜夢回,往事再難續。
I'm crossing dream and reality like an Oreo 事事與願違,如鯁在喉。
Face true,we are getting colder 月華漸冷,星耀不存。
Then I gon I gon runaway 不如離去。
I gon runaway 不如離去。
Miss you and I'm tired of horror 失之交臂,轉瞬為定局。
The story is end,no one felt sorry oh 愁恨猶存,風過了無痕?
Great,still down,I won't call dark 寥寥心事,旁人終難解。
And I don't I don't runaway 仍需自視。
I don't runaway 留待自釋。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 流螢漫天,月一缺一圓,秋分已至。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 漁舟唱晚,潮一起一落,斯人已去。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 情字何解,人一撇一捺,最為複雜。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 緣分盡時,路一東一西,再也不見。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 山重水複疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 乘風破浪會有時,直掛雲帆濟滄海。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。
It's not the end,it's just over for this. 隔岸再相望,遙遙不相識。
Miss you but that's all over 午夜夢回,往事再難續。
I'm crossing dream and reality like an Oreo 事事與願違,如鯁在喉。
Face true,we are getting colder 月華漸冷,星耀不存。
Then I gon I gon runaway 不如離去。
I gon runaway 不如離去。
Miss you and I'm tired of horror 失之交臂,轉瞬為定局。
The story is end,no one felt sorry oh 愁恨猶存,風過了無痕?
Great,still down,I won't call dark 寥寥心事,旁人終難解。
And I don't I don't runaway 仍需自視。
I don't runaway 留待自釋。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 也許這一段旅程已經接近尾聲。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 也許那年的璀璨都已變成回憶。
I'm sorry,I'm okay,and now it's over. 舊事終結我們都會找到新出路。
I'm sorry,I'm okay. 心有遺憾但步履不曾慢了時光。


