Dream of the Moon歌詞

添加日期:2023-12-28 時長:03分02秒 歌手:陳星穎

作詞 : 秦琪
作曲 : GoodOne
編曲 : 楊路明
When I was young I have never really figure it out 小時候,很難明白
Why moon is so high and i don’t how 為何月亮那么的高
To climb the ladders up and then to grab it down 好像如論如何也觸摸不到
For the reasons took me long 百思不解
The night has come and the dream inbound 記得某一個夜晚,
Sky’s clear and Stars are shining upon it tells me 在夢中星光照耀著月亮,它對我說:
The universe is waiting for you 我在宇宙等著你
You have to chase and make it come true. 你快來追尋
Sirens warning on, put the helmets on. 警報響起,合上宇航頭盔
We are ready for devotion. 準備好隨時奉獻自己
Targets setting on, mark the orbits out. 選定目標,鎖定軌道
The time is counting down 倒計時,開始!
Fire up the engine system, for taking on the secret mission. 啟動引擎,執行秘密任務
50% of destruction, but have to let it a go. 沒有任何把握但必須放手一搏
Spread out the solar panels To the place we never know 去探索我們未曾去過的地方
Maybe we know wow wow wow wow in a wondering girl’s world. 那也是我兒時夢裡的方向
And 20 years are gone i wasn’t fooling around 20年過去了,我很認真
Find the way, path is clear and nothing is taking me down 去追尋目標
I find myself no fear in there when i’m hearing the sound 漸漸我已無所畏懼
The gate is opening, journey’s begun. 艙門打開,開始真正的旅程
Laying down, find the time is right now 抵達時間剛好
One small step for man, think it out loud and I 我隨時可以奉獻一切
Giving my all to the dreams that draw 只為這人類的一小步
A beautiful future knocking the door 去見證美好的未來
Push the buttons off, have it all control 按下控制鈕,一切都在掌控之中
Holding on here we come the hero 英雄快要來臨
Nothing is for sure, everything secure. 當重力變得越來越低
Gravity’s getting low. 我們無畏一切未知
Fire up the engine system, for taking on the secret mission. 啟動引擎,執行秘密任務
50% of destruction, but have to let it a go. 沒有任何把握但必須放手一搏
Spread out the solar panels To the place we never know 去探索我們未曾去過的地方
Maybe we know wow wow wow wow in a wondering girl’s world. 那也是我兒時夢裡的方向
Out the window we are seeking, a landing site for us to making. 尋找合適的著陸點
Shut you mouth don’t asking question, my blood already flow. 一切很都很安靜但我已經熱血沸騰
Setdown on the moon in shadow mystery’s gonna show 世界之眼終將揭開
It finally shows wow wow wow wow through the eyes of the world. 月亮它的神秘面紗


