
添加日期:2023-12-22 時長:01分41秒 歌手:Chrisulous

作詞 : 李晨曦Chrisulous
作曲 : 李晨曦Chrisulous
I can forget the sunset road我可以忘卻那日落大道
I hang out with these ghosts與鬼魂們花天酒地
To pluck the sweetest rose in the cold去拾起寒冬中最美的那朵玫瑰
Is there anything you don't wanna let me know?還有什麼事是你不想讓我知曉的嗎?
Same people, same songs in the Same pub還是那群人,那首歌,在那個酒吧
Strange coats and fine cigars, i don't give a fxxk懷疑的服裝和上好的雪茄,我嗤之以鼻
Every day is so tired like constantly changing id card每天疲憊不看像是一天換一個身份
You tell me why you're always controlling me? You're not my mom你告訴我為什麼你總管著我?你又不是我媽
This autumn is like a gin這秋天就像松子酒
Just drink it一飲而盡
Like a dream像一場夢境
Just keep it繼續睡吧
I'm drinking a cup of gin when the leaves falling down當落葉之時我正喝著一杯松子酒
This summer is like gin這酷暑好似一杯松子酒
Just drink it一飲而盡
Like the sea如同汪洋大海
Swim in it盡情暢遊吧
I'm drinking a cup of gin when the sun is coming out當日出之時我正喝著一杯松子酒
you've been fly away, In a unknow place你已遠去,在一個未知的地方
You didn't even take a pack of cigarettes甚至都沒來得及帶上一包香菸
It's a Halloween without any candy這是個沒有糖果的萬聖節
That quite night is god damn weird and creepy那靜謐的夜晚奇怪又詭異
What are u looking for,in a bookstore你在書店裡尋找著什麼?
June is coming and I can not wait no more六月即將來臨我不能再等了
Will you be on the plane tomorrow morning?你會搭明早的那班飛機嗎?
Alright,I'll keep waiting行吧,我接著等
This autumn is like a gin這秋天就像松子酒
Just drink it一飲而盡
Like a dream像一場夢境
Just keep it繼續睡吧
I'm drinking a cup of gin when the leaves falling down當落葉之時我正喝著一杯松子酒
This summer is like gin這酷暑好似一杯松子酒
Just drink it一飲而盡
Like the sea像是汪洋大海
Swim in it盡情暢遊
I'm drinking a cup of gin when the sun is coming out當日出之時我正喝著一杯松子酒


