
添加日期:2023-12-18 時長:02分21秒 歌手:英語聽力

Come in...oh hello, Sergio. Hi. Sorry for being late. Someone needed to speak to me. Anyway, I've looked at those courses you suggested doing. And? Yes, they both look good. I'm interested in doing both of them. Good. I thought they might help with your new role. Yes, well. It involves telling people what to do but I'm also working with other managers too. OK. So would you like to enrol for both of them? Yes, but I can't afford to take any more time off this month. I'm already behind. But these are online. You don't need to go away. What do you mean? Online means you train by using the Internet. I think you receive articles to read and you have a tutor who contacts you by email. Oh, I see. I remember doing something similar by post. I got books to read and had some exercises. Yes, like that but on the Internet. It's great because you don't have to go away and you arrange things around your work. The problem is that I'd prefer to have a course with other people in a room. You get lots of new ideas that way, especially on a course called Team Building. If I do it online, I won't have the opportunity for networking with people. And you can't ask the tutor questions. You're right, but I also think many online courses even have a place where you communicate with other people on the course. Hmm. But I don't think it is the same. Besides, if I'm working at my desk I always stop to answer the phone or someone asks me to do something. Well, why not do it from home? I don't understand... Take an afternoon off and use your computer from home. That way no one can interrupt you. The other thing is that if you want to do both courses, it's cheaper if you do them online....
進來,你好Sergi 你好,很抱歉遲到了。有人需要跟我講話,不過,我已經看過那些你叫我看的課程了。 然後? 是的,他們看上去都非常地好。我對他們都很有興趣。 好的,我想他們會給你一個全新的自己。 好的,它會告訴人們做什麼不過我也在和其他的經理工作。 好的,你可以報名參加兩門課程 時的,但我這個月不能提供更多的時間來休假。我已經晚了。 但這些都是網上課程,你不需要出來的 這是什麼意思? 線上就是它通過網路來教你。我想你會接到一些文章去閱讀,和有一個輔導員會通過電子郵件跟你聯繫。 喔,我知道了,我記得我曾經通過郵寄做過類似的事情。我得到過一些書來讀和一些習題來作。 是的,但這是在網上。這非常好,因為你不需要出門,而且你可以把課程安排在你工作的空隙。 問題是我比較喜歡在房間裡和別人一起聽課。這樣的方式可以使你獲得更多新的想法。特別是在一個叫做團隊活動的課程。如果你是在網上聽這門課,我想我不會有機會去和別人溝通。和你可以問輔導員問題。 你說的對,但我認為許多網路課程也會有一個給你在課程中和其他人溝通的地方。 嗯...但我覺得這會是不一樣的。另外就是,如果我上網路課程,我會停下來去接電話,或者有人會叫我去作其他事情。 那你為什麼不在家裡做呢? 什麼意思? 休息一個下午,在家裡使用電腦上課。這樣沒有人會干擾你。另外一件事就是如果你報兩門課程,它會比較便宜如果你在網上學。 解析: Enrol for both of them 報名參加兩門課程 Enrol 加入,參加,註冊,入學 Take off 休息,休假 take sb off or take off sb (以詼諧的方式)模仿,學某人的樣子 2.(體育運動、娛樂等)換下,中止,取消 take sth off or take off sth 1.脫下(衣服);摘掉 2.休假;休息 3.(常用被動語態)取消;停演 4.剪掉(頭髮);截去,切除(人體部位) take sb/yourself off to (使)離去,走掉,帶走 take sb off sth (常用被動)調離,解除(工作、職務等);撤掉,拆除(器械) take sth off sth 1.扣除,減去(款項,分數等) 2.(常用被動)停止銷售 Arrange things around your work 在工作的同時安排好學習 Arrange 在...附近 Team Building 團隊活動 team building重點是通過工作之外的集體活動來加強團隊成員之間的交流。 一般的building都是按照部門或者項目組為單位的,定期的組織。算是比較大的一次部門活動。比如成都二日游,蘇州二日游等等,花費比較高的項目。 部門每年的預算中都會包括team building這一項。可見team building對團隊的建設起著重要的作用。 Networking with people 與他人溝通聯繫,建立關係




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