I cry (原創)歌詞
白鳥 - 墨明棋妙詞:騰雲駕霧琉璃仙曲:無名小卒I saw the smoke,the flame,and the wind.I smelt the blood.AndI heard the song.They crooned for the death,or cried for the future.The sky looked so gray,the dark cloud covered the sun.But I know,there's the hope forever,they will never fade away,even the sun extinguishes,the rainstorm burns,and the tears drop down風又穿過這條街道吹涼了拐角他們冰冷的身體沉沉睡著他撿起破碎石片畫著昨日歡笑聽不到哭泣的黃昏靜得受不了剛剛的雨把他們都洗乾淨了沉眠從他們身上竊走一切苦惱他最後看著他們也露出了微笑卻被嗆的眼淚溢出眼角.他站在蒼穹下渺小的像一粒塵沙用泥濘掩蓋了從未預料的傷疤天空划過的呼嘯像很久不見的白鳥它們排成一行像刀破開了夕照飛快地遠去了遠方霧色的焦黃像一幅油畫他看見他們跨過鐵軌和木柵穿過高高的石牆和坍塌的鐵塔朦朧中招手對他說跟上來吧他站在那蒼穹下渺小的像一粒塵沙用泥濘掩蓋了潮濕的傷疤雲層漸漸散開了他看見陽光籠罩著他樹葉閃動翠綠的光華那一行白鳥啊漸漸地飛遠了In the wind of the early spring,everything is blooming silently,the frail green is shinning,just like a new life born