
添加日期:2023-12-16 時長:03分48秒 歌手:KeKeLiii

作詞 : KeKeLiii
作曲 : KeKeLiii
和聲編寫:KeKeLiii/Virtual Quiet
Verse 1(YOROLL)
當熱情退潮 理性出逃 救下節拍里裸泳的戰士
雙目通紅 雙手合十 此刻轉移了行業的範式
蠅營狗苟 我三言兩拍 驚醒
停停走走 我茅塞頓開 清淨
生為辯手 血液內沒有離題的物質
赤子之心 對真話懷有離奇的固執
定將冷氣擺脫 活成人的樣子
七千日夜求索 求到了摯友 成為了我的鏡子
小嬰兒 啼哭 得到保護得到愛
廿有二 迷途 學著保護學著愛
時光拿起錘頭 我不是那頭挨錘的牛
鬆開攥緊的手 在渾濁水中逍遙地游
生活是座垃圾場 我劍走偏鋒挖寶藏
有人讚美 有人詆毀 有人笑我太痴狂
泥濘汗水抹唇上 化成了我的舞台妝
念念皆有迴響 送我扶搖直上
Verse 2(VIN)
Yeah, I’m an ideal, and idealistic idol
Idiosyncratic, and dealing with all the high-lows
A pilgrim of life, every second, so vital
Wanna ride the tides, but abide only titles
Through looking glasses, now you see me
You see a son, a lover, and a king-to-be
I perform metamorphosis, on daily basis
Fragile and vivacious like all living races
We are hyper-connected, yet self-inflated
Floating in the void, we are lonely planets
To join forces, I change my law of gravity
Met a crossing star, he and I form a binary
I believe things are bright, stories are true
Oceans can be wide, mountains can be removed
Feel free to judge me, laugh at me, or call me Mr. Fool
Open your eyes, watch me do, I’ll let you believe it too
Verse 3 (NYYY)
A journey to the West, cautiously I initiate my steps,
Around my shaking mind, devils build their nests
When future collapses, right in our faces
We rescue each other then resume our paces
曾經替人做夢 如今只為自己寫詩
自我比例減重 不被身外之物挾持
見孤山 不周山 我看山還是山
補頑石 五色石 把新天換舊天
One day we disappear, salt melts in water
Promise you’ll hang on like a Pantheon’s pillar
Living among the monstrous, looking for the wondrous
High above the thunder, sit on Orion’s shoulder
燃一束日光 定神 挽救時代的病人
緣一缽月光 倖存 護佑掌心的命紋
同生在夏日 牢記古人絕句
生作人傑 死為鬼雄 我們把火種延續


