La vanille(to赤夕)(翻自 茶理理)歌詞

添加日期:2023-12-13 時長:02分49秒 歌手:藥匙墨KITORA

作詞 : 無
作曲 : 無
La Vanille(香草)
music:天欽09 (黑Nya)
lyrics:hiyori (黑Nya)
Remember that café 還記得那家咖啡館嗎(`・ω・´)
Just right around the block 就在拐角的地方φ(>ω<*)
They always had the best vanilla cake 他們永遠有最好的香草蛋糕(。・ω・。)
On lazy afternoons 在慵懶的午後
We'd watch the sunlight peaking through those lush ivy vines 我們總會看著陽光穿透茂密的常春藤
Sitting by the window, roses in full bloom 坐在窗邊 玫瑰盛開ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Macchiato and 一杯瑪奇朵
A slice of vanilla cake 一塊香草蛋糕
It's easy to forget the rest of the world 很容易就能忘記外面的世界
Slow music fills the air 空氣中充滿柔和的音樂
An old record's spinning round and round in the dim light 一張老唱片在昏暗的燈光下不停旋轉
Drowsier 'n drowsier we get 讓人微微犯困
Look how the time flies 時間一眨眼就過去了
But it's not like we need to care 但我們也並不需要在意
Relax, there's nothing worth worrying about 放心吧,沒有什麼值得擔心的事٩(๑>◡<๑)۶
You sipped the last drop 你喝下最後一滴咖啡
Although your cake is not yet finished 可蛋糕還沒吃完
You always saved the last bite for me 你總是把最後一口留給我
Now we've all grown up 現在我們都長大了
Oh how long has it been 那是多久之前的事情呢
Since we moved far from that little café 我們搬到遠離那間小咖啡館的地方
You're always busy with 你總是忙碌於
All those little things in your life; I wonder if you 身邊那些瑣碎的小事 不知道
Remember that vanilla cake 你還記不記得那香草蛋糕
That's half a cup of milk and one cup of fine white sugar 半杯牛奶 一杯細砂糖
Two eggs and two cups of flour, a stick of butter 兩個雞蛋 兩杯麵粉 還有一塊黃油
And last but not the least 最後的點睛之筆
Add three vanilla beans to the mix 是三粒香草豆
Sweet aroma fills my whole kitchen 甜美的香氛充滿了廚房
I have to admit 不得不承認
It was no easy feat 這可不是件輕鬆活
But I just want to see you smile again 但我只是想再次看到你的笑容
Life's not a race with time 人生並不是場和時間的賽跑
Never forget to take a break every now and then 別忘了偶爾歇一歇
To savor the tiny moments 去品味那些細小的瞬間(:3_ヽ)_
To savor the tiny moments 去品味那些細小的瞬間(:3_ヽ)_
To savor the tiny moments 去品味那些細小的瞬間(:3_ヽ)_


