
時長:01分50秒 歌手:Michael Jackson

She's from a world>她來自一個
Of popcorn and candy>充滿著爆米花和糖果的世界
Pony rides for a dime>小木馬,十美分,騎一次
Little children laughing>小孩子們都在笑
I'm from a world>我來自一個
Of disapointments and confusions>充滿著失落和迷惑的世界
But I want her to be mine>但我想讓她成為我的女孩
I started talking>我開始說話
She kept on walking>她卻越走越遠
She disappeared into the crowd>直到離開了我的視線
I lost my heart
On the carousel>我在鏇轉木馬上傷心著
To a circus girl>為了一個馬戲團的姑娘
Who left my heart in pieces>把我的心撕成碎片
Lost my heart
On The carousel>我在鏇轉木馬上傷心著
To a circus girl
Who ran away.>為一個跑開的馬戲團姑娘
Two different people>兩個不同世界的人
In love for an instant