Be Your Man歌詞

添加日期:2023-09-01 時長:03分30秒 歌手:MOLER-V

作詞 : MOLER-V
作曲 : Rainbow-T
I wanna hold your hand gril (我想牽著你的手)
Just show to the other man babe(展示給那些男人你是我的)
I don't wanna know you dancing with other ******(我不想看到你和那些渣男共舞)
Feeling like hole that made me think that I was lost youX2(感覺有個空洞是我認為我會失去你)
All I was thinking about our dancing(我一直想和你共舞)
I wear a pair of jeans and we wear as same thing(我和你穿著一條一樣的牛仔褲)
You are looking like a cool gril ad some pretty(你看起來很酷也很漂亮)
Never seen you before but I can feel it(從未真的見過但是我能感覺得到)
I want to be your man (我想做你的男人)
Would you like to give me chance(你會給我這個機會嗎)
I can give you my everything X2(我可以給你我的所有)
Then you could be my everything(然後你成為我的所有)
We drive a wwengwen(我們開一輛車)
Go to our own home(去屬於我們自己的家)
Or travel all around the World(或者是環遊世界)
I witing for your phone call(我等你的電話)
I mean we can singing even we are far home(我的意思是即使我們離得很遠也能一起編制美好的愛情)
I mean I love you so much like a ocean(我像大海一樣愛你)
I hope you can love me like a Mountain(希望你像高山一樣愛我)
We could be a couple and we never broken(我們可以做一對永不分離的情侶)
Prove to everybody our love is a legend(給那些不相信異地的人證明這是傳奇)
Nothing can beat me(沒什麼可以打倒我)
Nothing can change me(沒什麼可以改變我)
I don't want our future being gloomy(我不想讓我們的未來變得灰暗)
I messing you all day all night all right I'm here
Waiting for you all time(我日日夜夜的想你沒事我會一直在這裡等著你的)
i wanna hold your hand gril (我想牽著你的手)
Just show to the other man babe(展示給那些男人你是我的)
I don't wanna know you dancing with other ******(我不想看到你和那些渣男共舞)


