
添加日期:2023-05-11 時長:04分33秒 歌手:霧樂隊

作詞 : 霧樂隊
作曲 : 霧樂隊
About four thousand nights, (大約四千夜晚)
I prayed under the stars, (我在星空下祈禱)
prayed for you, prayed for me.(為你祈禱,為我祈禱)
The old tree have withered, (老樹已經枯萎)
the homes have become ruins, (家園變成了廢墟)
I can't find my lover, (我找不到我的愛人)
I can't find my children (我找不到我的孩子)
Once the light, like a meteor falling, (曾經的星光)
never return to the night sky(像流星墜落,永遠不會回到夜空)
The flowers in my hand, (花朵在我手中)
leaving the soil,(離開了土壤)
The forgotten, (被遺忘的人)
with the forgotten glory,(帶著被遺忘的榮耀)
is silent in the wind (在風中沉默)
“You can't change anything, (你無法改變任何東西)
but you have the power and the sword. (但你擁有力量和劍)
Let the anger burn,(讓憤怒燃燒)
let the soul fear”(讓靈魂恐懼)
I can not forget, (我不能忘記)
I can not forgive,(我不能原諒)
I need the truth, (我需要真相)
I’ll never die , (我永遠不會死)
for my glory (為了我的榮耀)
We used to play in the sun,(我們曾經在陽光下嬉戲)
get together under the moon,(在月光下相聚在一起)
it's gone (現在一切都消失了)


