
添加日期:2021-12-30 時長:03分32秒 歌手:傻子與白痴

作詞 : 蔡維澤 Eric Tsai
作曲 : 蔡維澤 Eric Tsai
製作人 : 陸希文 Minstrel Lu
Hear me out 
Let me shout
That is what all this is about
What is right
Be my guide
Why don’ t you just tell me, oh why
Praise my misery 
Oh cause if you don’ t 
What is the point of grieving for a doll
You exist in 
My wishful thinking which may or may not happen 
Don’ t I always wish for more
The one to be adored
The one to take the fall
Oh, why
Oh, why
When thoughts come pouring out they sing loud and clear
For one last time, listen
Show me all your doing
Cause we know, oh god
It never works
I should give up all my pride, as you called this“ life”
To be honest
Why waste all my time just to survive, to survive, be alive
What is right
Oh my guide
We can now start the fight
Oh, why
Oh, why
When thoughts come pouring out they sing loud and clear
For one last time, listen
編曲 Arrangement:鄭光良 Light
錄音師 Recording Engineer: 陸希文 Minstrel Lu
混音師 Mixing Engineer: 陸希文 Minstrel Lu
音頻編輯 Editing: 陸希文 Minstrel Lu、野口西西 Ryuu
製作助理 Producer Assistant: 野口西西 Ryuu
錄音室 Recording Studio: 55TEC Studio、LOOP MUSIC Production
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer: Adam Ayan @ Gateway Mastering
主唱&吉他 Vocal & Guitar: 蔡維澤 Eric Tsai
吉他 Guitar: 鄭光良 Light
貝斯 Bass: 李沂邦 Yi Bang
鼓&打擊樂 Drums & Percussion: 徐維均Wei Jun
BGV & Random Talking & Yelling: 蔡維澤 Eric Tsai、鄭光良 Light、李沂邦 Yi Bang、徐維均Wei Jun
和聲編寫Vocal Production: 蔡維澤 Eric Tsai、陸希文 Minstrel Lu、鄭光良 Light、李沂邦 Yi Bang、徐維均Wei Jun
管樂編寫Horns Writing: 鄭光良 Light
Additional Production: 陸希文 Minstrel Lu
企劃Planning: Minto Fang
監製Production Director: 辛志宇 Kevin Xin、黃楚雯 Huang Chuwen
音樂製作Produced:哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
出品/母帶著作權公司 Production Company/OP: 哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
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