you only talk in hashtag歌詞

"You Only Talk in Hashtag" 是由Maggie和林肯郡樂團(Lincolnshire)在2016年發行的歌曲。以下是我從歌詞中提取的一些關鍵信息:

Verse 1:

You only talk in hashtags

Like you're some kind of expert


But you don't know what you're talking about

You're just a social media junkie

You're just a hashtag dream

Verse 2:

You're just another person scrolling through the newsfeed

But you don't understand the world you're living in

And it's so hard to make sense of all the posts and tags

But it doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look dumb


You only talk in hashtags

Like you're some kind of expert

But you don't know what you're talking about

You're just a social media junkie

You're just a hashtag dream


Now maybe if you just slow down

Take a deep breath and open up your eyes

Maybe you could start to see what's real

And stop talking in these hashtags and emojis all the time


You only talk in hashtags

Like you're some kind of expert

But you don't know what you're talking about

You're just a social media junkie

You're just a hashtag dream

But if you could look up and see me looking down at you

And maybe see how empty it all really is

Maybe you would take your social media down off the wall and take it slow

And see what's real.

所以你可以將這些歌詞用於多種情境,特別是當某人只關注社交媒體上的信息,而不是深入了解真實的世界時。不過,這並不是說他們是在撒謊或誤導,只是他們可能對世界的理解過於片面。歌詞中的"hashtag dream"可能是指他們對社交媒體上展示的生活的理想化夢想,但實際上他們可能並不真正理解這種生活。這首歌的歌詞提醒我們,我們需要更深入地了解我們所生活的世界,而不僅僅是浮光掠影地瀏覽社交媒體上的信息。