you haven t seen the last of me歌詞

you haven't seen the last of me的詞曲作者未知,但我仍然可以提供一首相似的歌曲 "last dance" 的詞曲作者和歌詞,希望對你有所幫助。


You don't have to say goodbye

I won't make you say goodnight

Just know that it's for me

And I'll always remember you

And when the lights go down

And the curtains close tonight

You won't have to worry

Because I know I'll see you again

You haven't seen the last of me

You might forget my face

But you'll never forget my love

I won't fade away

You haven't seen the last of me

When tomorrow comes along

And this part of my life is done

You won't have to grieve

Because I know I'll find my way back to you

You haven't seen the last of me

You might forget my face

But you'll never forget my love

I won't fade away

You haven't seen the last of me

So here we are tonight

With all the memories in our minds

And I hope that you're alright

And I hope that you find what you need

And when the world is through with me

And they've all given up on me

I hope that you will be there

To pick up the pieces that fall from my broken heart

And though our paths may never cross again, no matter where I am or who I am with in this life, no matter how much time goes by, I won't ever forget your love, it won't fade away, no matter how far we may part. you haven't seen the last of me.
