"Whatever You're Doing"是由加拿大歌手Coleman和英國歌手Gabe Lopez共同演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:
Whatever you're doing, I hope it brings you happiness
Whatever you're thinking, I hope it leads to good things
Whatever you're feeling, I hope it makes you stronger
Whatever you're looking for, I hope you find it soon
Gabe Lopez:
Cause I'm on your side, no matter what they say
You can count on me, cause I'll always be here for you
I might not be there with you, but my love will never fade
Whatever you're going through, I'll always be right beside you
Whatever happens today, tomorrow will be a better day
We might be divided, but we'll always be together
Through the highs and lows, we'll always find a way
Cause we're stronger together than we ever were alone
So whatever you're doing, don't let it get you down
You've got someone on your side, and I won't let them hurt you
So whatever you're facing, just remember you're not alone
You've got me and your family and we won't let anything hold you back
重複 Coles & Gabe的副歌部分
You've got everything inside of you bursting to come out
And when the world steps up and tries to knock you down
We'll be there with open arms to catch you when you fall
Cause we love you, and we won't let you break
Gabe Lopez:
So whatever you're going through, remember that I'm here for you
And no matter what they say, remember that we're all behind you
So keep on fighting, keep on dreaming, keep on believing
Cause we're with you all the way, no matter what the outcome might be
重複 Coles & Gabe 的副歌部分
總的來說,"Whatever You're Doing"是一首充滿鼓勵和支持的歌曲,鼓勵人們在生活中無論遇到什麼困難和挑戰,都要保持樂觀和堅定,相信身邊的人會一直支持自己。