wait for you 中文歌詞如下:
等待你 (wait for you)
昨夜你身披星光出現 在我眼前 (tonight you appear before me, all dressed up in stars)
為了愛我承受了太多的磨難 (endured too many struggles for love)
我要你承認 (i want you to admit)
你是我唯一的確認 (that you are the only one for me)
你曾說 (you said)
在這陌生的城市 (in this strange city)
讓我們相依為命 (let's rely on each other)
一起走過每個黎明 (through every dawn)
等待你 (i'll wait for you)
穿越風暴我還是選擇了你 (throughout storms, i still chose you)
當我感到疲倦的時候 (when i feel weary)
是你給了我溫暖和希望 (you gave me warmth and hope)
這就是愛情吧 (this is what love is)
等你在不遠處 (waiting for you, not too far away)
在遠方的夢想中出現的你 (you appear in my distant dreams)
就像初見你的那一刻 (just like the first time i saw you)
在心海掀起漣漪 (made my heart skip a beat)
這就是我愛你的理由 (this is why i love you)
為了你 (for you)
穿越時空我還是選擇了你 (throughout time, i still chose you)
等你在不遠處 (i'll wait for you, not too far away)
不變的誓言迴蕩在心間 (unchanged vows echo in my heart)
我們的愛情永遠不會褪色 (our love will never fade)
等待你 (i'll wait for you)
等待你 (i'll wait for you)