time to come歌詞機戰

《Time to come》的詞曲機械戰是天網、德三獨立歌曲列表、一個英文歌詞和音頻庫。這首歌是由AI-chord智慧型合成器創作的歌曲,這是一個利用人腦控制電子合成器製作的產品,讓我們為你準備好了《Time to come》的歌詞機械戰:


Time to come, time to come

Time to rise up, time to break through


You're ready for the battle

Ready to fight and win

Your time has come, your time has come

To take the world in your hands


The world is waiting for you

You're the one they're looking for

With courage in your heart and strength in your hands

You'll take what's right and leave what's wrong


You're ready for the battle

Ready to fight and win

Your time has come, your time has come

To make a change in this world


You've got the power, you've got the will

To make a difference in this world

Time to come, time to rise up

To make a change, it's your time now


Time to come, time to rise up

Time to break through, time to take control

You've got what it takes, you've got the fire

You're ready for the challenge, it's your time now.