The Whole New World - Disney
Verse 1:
Once upon a time there was a dream
A place where our wishes could come true
And though the world may never know
Our story will forever unfold
This is the whole new world
Where dreams are made of
And here's to the dreams we'll make today
This is the whole new world
Where wishes are kept
Forever young, forever free
Verse 2:
It's a land beyond our imagination
A place where our dreams come true
It's a land that we can call our own
A place where we belong
This is the whole new world
Where dreams are made of
And here's to the dreams we'll make today
This is the whole new world
Where wishes are kept
Forever young, forever free
We're breaking all the rules, we're breaking free
To live a life we've always dreamed of be
We're leaving every sorrow, every fear behind
This is the whole new world we're livin' in tonight.
以上是《the whole new world》的歌詞,這是一首很好的歌曲,充滿夢想和希望,它讓人們相信夢想可以實現,只要我們有決心和勇氣去追求它們。它也是迪士尼卡通片《小美人魚》的主題曲,為觀眾呈現了一個美麗、夢幻的童話世界。