the whirl歌詞lynch

"The Whirl"的歌詞是:

Verse 1:

Yo Yo Yo,

Check it out now,

Whirl whirl whirl

Out the car, whirl

Honey honey whirl

All of your worldly

Whirl whirl whirl


Whirl whirl whirl

Spinning around and around

Whirl whirl whirl

Till you're out of breath and out of time

Verse 2:

I'm feeling the vibe,

Looking around and all I see

Lips in the air, lips for me

Feel like a champion

At break neck speed

Climb into the dream and leave it behind me

No space for delaying

If it's about tonight then you must say hey hey hey


Whirl whirl whirl

Spinning around and around

Whirl whirl whirl

Till you're out of breath and out of time


I'm feeling the thrill, I'm feeling the rush

I'm feeling the rush of the whirl whirl whirl

And I'm not gonna stop till I hit the ground

And I'm not gonna stop till I hit the ground


Whirl whirl whirl

Spinning around and around

Whirl whirl whirl

Till you're out of breath and out of time

Out of time, out of time, oh yeah oh yeah

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

(x3) till you can't catch your breath no more no more

The lyrics above are in English. If you want to know more about the meaning or background of the song, you can search for information about it online.