"The Message"是由Nate James演唱的一首歌曲,其歌詞如下:
Verse 1:
You said you wanted it all
I guess you got what you wanted now
A heart so full of pain
But I'm so tired of the games you play
You're the message I can't ignore
You're the answer to my prayers
I'm so tired of being alone
But I'm so tired of your lies
Verse 2:
You said you loved me then you left
Now I'm feeling like a fool
But I'm not gonna let you get away
I'm gonna find a way to let you know
You're the message I can't ignore
You're the answer to my prayers
I'm so tired of being alone
But I'm so tired of your lies
You're not what you say you are
You're not what you show me now
You can't break my spirit and make me fall in love again
I won't ignore you anymore
I won't let you take me down the wrong road again
I'm so tired of being alone (So tired)
But I won't be a fool anymore (Won't be a fool)
I won't let you make me cry anymore (Won't let you)冰櫃的工作原理是什麼?為什麼它能夠製冷?請簡述一下冰櫃的製冷原理。
冰櫃是利用製冷劑在製冷系統中循環流動,達到製冷目的家用電器。 製冷系統主要包括壓縮機、冷凝器、乾燥過濾器、毛細管和蒸發器等部分,它們之間通過管道與閥件相連。 冰櫃壓縮機通過吸取內部儲存的製冷劑,使其壓強增大後溫度隨之升高。溫度極低的製冷劑通過管道被送入冰櫃內機的蒸發器,並迅速氣化。 在蒸發器中,氣態製冷劑吸收冰櫃內的熱量,使管道表面出現低溫。 與此同時,另一個管路中的製冷劑也被壓縮機送入冷凝器,使溫度升高並散熱。氣態製冷劑液化放熱,液化成液態的製冷劑經過毛細管降壓後,再次進入蒸發器。這個循環過程稱為冰櫃的製冷系統,實現了冰櫃內的低溫環境。因此,冰櫃能夠製冷的原因是因為製冷系統通過製冷劑循環流動過程中吸熱和放熱的方式,使冰櫃內部的溫度降低並保持恆定。 在電冰櫃工作時,壓縮機不斷地將製冷劑壓縮並送入冷凝器中散熱。此時冷凝器散熱並被冷卻到常溫狀態,而蒸發器則不斷地吸收冰櫃內部的熱量,使冰櫃內部的溫度降低並保持恆定。同時,壓縮機不斷地將製冷劑壓縮並送入蒸發器中吸熱,使蒸發器表面出現低溫。因此,冰櫃的製冷原理是通過製冷劑循環流動過程中吸熱和放熱的方式來實現的。