the killers bones歌詞

"The Killers Bones"的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Death came for us in the shape of a stranger

It took our lives but left our bones behind


We're all the killers bones

The earth is our coffin

But we're still alive

We're all the killers bones

So let's dance in the ashes

Verse 2:

We're all the killers, we're all the victims

We're all the same in the end

But we're still alive


We're all the killers bones

The earth is our coffin

But we're still alive

We're all the killers bones

So let's dance in the ashes


And we'll keep on dancing, dancing, dancing

Till the end of time

In the ashes, we'll never die

Just keep on dancing, dancing, dancing


We're all the killers bones

The earth is our coffin

But we're still alive

We're all the killers bones

So let's dance in the ashes

So let's dance in the ashes

以上就是"The Killers Bones"的歌詞,這是一首充滿哲理的歌曲,表達了人類在生死面前的渺小和無力,但同時也表達了生命的頑強和希望。