thank to歌詞

《thank you》的中文詞曲由美國歌手泰勒·斯威夫特創作,英文原版歌曲的詞曲由美國歌手謝恩·德梅特完成。


* 謝謝你總是站在我身邊

* 陪我一起度過喜怒哀樂的每一天

* 謝謝你總是讓我任性

* 因為我知道你總包容我

* 謝謝你總是讓我依靠

* 因為我知道我還有你在

* 謝謝你總是讓我放肆

* 因為我知道你總愛我

* 謝謝你總是讓我驕傲

* 因為我知道我還有你在

* 謝謝你總是讓我永遠保持熱愛

* 我們在一起的一幕幕 我永遠不會忘記

* 我感覺我在愛中長大

* 你是我一生的依靠

* 我真的要謝謝你


I thank you for being there when I fell apart, yeah

When I couldn't trust my own decisions, oh

You were there by my side, no need to fear, yeah

And I thank you for your unconditional love, yeah

I'm so grateful for the memories, oh

Candlelight and everything else, yeah

I thank you for my life, I'm in love with my life, yeah

'Cause I know I'm not alone, you're the reason why.

I just want to say, I really mean it when I say, yeah

Thank you for everything, oh

It all adds up and makes a beautiful me, yeah

You make it real, you keep it a secret too, oh

And I just want you to know, I feel like I'm floating now, yeah

And I thank you for standing by my side.