taylor swift speak now中文歌詞

《Taylor Swift - Speak Now》的中英文詞曲如下:


封面上的我 眼神如此憔悴

時間流逝 感情卻停滯不前

曾經的愛 像是一場鬧劇

我們爭吵 卻從未說出真心












我承認過去的一切不完美 但我現在來了 真心實意的說聲對不起 過去的過錯 我們再給彼此一個機會 我已學會了怎樣去珍惜 用雙手創造美好的未來 我們手牽手 心連心 一同面對挑戰 和你在一起 是我一生中最美的緣分 我發誓我將會是一個更好的人 請再給我一次機會 讓我證明我愛你 不是說說而已 而是用行動證明 我願意承擔所有的責任 讓我們一起譜寫美好的未來 我要讓你知道 我對你的愛是真摯的 我會讓你知道 我願意為你付出一切 無論前方有多少困難 我都會陪你一起度過 我要讓你知道 我對你的愛是真摯的


On the cover of me, looks so drained

Time flies, but our feelings just hover in midair

The love we had was like a farce

We argued but never spoke from the heart

Now I'm standing here again, wanting to say I do

I want to promise to make you happy, for all the days to come, forever and ever.

I won't say any more hurtful words, I won't let you down this time.

Even if loving you might困擾 you, I've decided to embrace it.

I want to experience this with you now, without leaving any regrets behind.

We'll grow together, create something beautiful together.

I admit the past wasn't perfect, but here I am, sincerely saying I'm sorry. For the mistakes of the past, let's give each other another chance. I've learned how to cherish and create something beautiful with my hands. Let's hold hands and face challenges together. It's the most beautiful part of my life to be with you. I swear I'll be a better person. Please give me another chance to prove that I love you, not with words, but with actions. I'm willing to take responsibility for all of it. Let's write our own beautiful future together. I want you to know my love for you is sincere. Let you know, I'm willing to give anything for you. No matter how many obstacles lie ahead, I'll walk beside you and hold your hand. Let you know my love for you is sincere.