still breathing歌詞

"Still Breathing"是由Gustavo Santaolalla作曲,Carla Bruni演唱的一首歌曲。


Every breath I take 我每一次呼吸

Is a thousand miles 都在遠行

A miracle every time 每一次都是奇蹟

That I'm still breathing 我還活著

Every moment I live 我度過的每一刻時光

Is a journey through the night 就像穿越黑夜的旅程

A miracle every time 每一次都是奇蹟

That I'm still breathing 我還能呼吸

The world is full of pain 世界充滿了痛苦和悲傷

But I'm still breathing 但我還活著

I've been through the valley and over the hills 我穿越過山谷翻越過山嶺

And I'm still breathing 我還活著

I've been on my knees 我曾跪下過身子

But I've never given up 我從未放棄過

And I'm still breathing 我還能呼吸

Every time I feel 我每一次感到自己要崩潰了

That the world has lost its meaning 世界失去了意義的時候

I take a deep breath 我深吸一口氣

And I'm still breathing 我還能呼吸

Every time I fall 我每一次跌倒在路上

And every time I have to pick up the pieces 我都必須撿起碎片重新開始的時候

I take a deep breath 我深吸一口氣,我就能繼續前行,我還能呼吸

And I'm still breathing 我還能呼吸

It's a beautiful life 這才是美麗的生活啊

It's a beautiful life 這就是美麗的生活啊

It's a beautiful life 這才是美麗的生活啊,我還能呼吸,我還能活著。