"Stay with Me Every Day"的英文歌詞如下:
I'll stay with you every day
When the sun is up, it's time for me to leave
But I'll come back to you
Every night and we'll be safe and free
Oh, stay with me every day
Through the nights, we'll sleep and dream
I'll be there to hold you tight
Through the clouds, I'll guide your flight
And we'll rise above the darkest light
Oh, stay with me every day
I'll stay with you every day
Until the sun is up again
And we'll be safe and free
Oh, stay with me every day
在上面的歌詞中,"stay with me every day"是歌曲的主旨,表達了歌曲主人公對某人的深深的愛和承諾,無論白天黑夜,無論雲層多厚,他都會陪伴在對方身邊,直到太陽再次升起。這是一首充滿愛意的歌曲,表達了無論何時何地,只要有你在我身邊,我就感到無比幸福。