stand proud full歌詞

《Stand Proud Full》的歌詞如下:

Stand Proud Full, stand tall with wings spread

Rise up with your head held high

In the sky, standing out from the rest

Proud to be yourself, let them know who you are

Full of life, ready to take flight

Spread your wings and soar above the clouds

In this world, you're unique and special

Stand proud and be yourself, don't let anyone change you


Stand proud full, let your spirit soar

Spread your wings and take flight, you're the best

Stand tall and be yourself, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

You may face challenges and trials

But remember, you're stronger than you think

With courage in your heart, you can do anything

Stand proud and be yourself, let your light shine through

Verse 2:

Life is beautiful, full of surprises

You're on a journey, so don't forget to dance

With every step, let go and enjoy the ride

Stand proud and be yourself, it's your time to shine


Stand proud full, let your spirit soar

Spread your wings and take flight, you're the best

Stand tall and be yourself, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Be yourself, be brave, be strong

You're the best version of yourself, don't let anyone change that

Stand proud and be yourself, you're the star of your own story


Stand proud full, let your spirit soar

Spread your wings and take flight, you're the best

Stand tall and be yourself, you're beautiful just the way you are