song for lovers歌詞

《Song for lovers》的歌詞如下:


You and I we were meant to be

Forever together, never to be

But now you're gone, my heart's in pieces

So I sing this song for lovers like me


We were lost, we were searching

Trying to find our place in this world

But now you're gone, I'm standing alone

So I sing this song for lovers like me


Everytime I close my eyes

I see us dancing in the rain

Forever in my heart, I'll keep you alive

So here's my song, my final goodbye



For lovers lost, for lovers found

For lovers we will always be bound

No matter where we are or where we've been

We'll always have a song to sing


But now you're gone, I'm on my own

A broken hearted empty soul

But I'll remember all the times we shared together

So I sing this song for lovers like me



Lovers don't always have to say goodbye

There can be a future if you let it be

So let me hold you once again my dear

And sing this song with me forevermore



For lovers lost, for lovers found

For lovers we will always be bound

No matter where we are or where we've been

We'll always have a song to sing, a song to sing蘋果教育優惠必須滿足一年內應屆畢業嗎?有什麼優惠內容?


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