"Shameless" 是由 Camila Cabello 演唱的一首歌曲,以下是這首歌的歌詞:
Verse 1:
I'm not scared of the darkest nights
I'm not scared of the scars on my skin
And if you think that I'm scared of the truth
Then I don't want to be friends
I'm shameless, shameless, I won't let you stop me
I'm shameless, shameless, I'm not scared to take control
I'm shameless, shameless, I'm feeling too free
I'm shameless, shameless, I'm on my own track
Verse 2:
And if you think that I'll cry when it's over
Then you don't know me at all
And if you think that I need a shoulder to cry on
Then we ain't ever gonna get to know each other
I'm shameless, shameless, I won't let you stop me
I'm shameless, shameless, I'm not scared to take control
I'm shameless, shameless, I'm feeling too free
I'm shameless, shameless, I'm on my own track
I don't need your love, I don't need your light
I won't let you break me down tonight
I won't let you make me feel like I don't belong
Cause I was made for walking alone
So shameless, shameless, I won't let you stop me
I'm on my own track, shameless again
So shameless, shameless, it doesn't matter what they say
I'm gonna do me and not a single day without the passion in my veins
I said it like it is and if that means being loud or silent, what they feel in their heads when they don't hear from me is on their own文成公主入藏史料文獻相關參考文獻?
1. 《新唐書·吐蕃傳》
2. 《大唐貞觀皇室與吐蕃王國關係研究》 王洪軍著 山東人民出版社 2008年6月出版。
3. 《西藏地方歷史文獻資料叢書·吐蕃史料》西藏人民出版社1993年出版。
4. 《吐蕃金石錄》 文物出版社 1985年出版。
5. 《敦煌吐魯番吐蕃史料選編》 新疆人民出版社 1997年出版。
6. 《漢藏史集》 作者 作者鐵爾木吉拉夫譯者黃顥。此書是研究吐蕃史的寶貴資料,其中有關文成公主入藏的記載對研究文成公主入藏的歷史具有重要價值。
7. 《西藏的過去和現在》作者多識,該書是研究西藏歷史的重要參考書,其中也有關於文成公主入藏的記載。
8. 魏慶之編著《西藏地方歷史文獻資料叢書·金粉銀光》介紹了藏族有關公主的記載史料。此書可以幫助您了解更多有關文成公主入藏的細節和歷史背景。以上內容僅供參考,具體參考文獻可能根據文獻類型和研究方向有所不同。您可以根據實際情況進行參考。