second best歌詞

《Second Best》的歌詞如下:

I wake up in the morning feeling like I haven't slept at all

昨晚我做了個夢 夢裡的你牽著我的手

And I don't know what to do because I'm still holding on to you

我想放棄,想拋開所有 重新開始我的生活

And every night before I drift off, I try to keep myself awake


But it's been a month now, you don't even have to try

都一個月了 你不用假裝努力忘記

I know that you're still with her and it doesn't even matter anymore

我清楚你還在跟她在一起 已經無所謂了

I want you back but I can't fight what's over now


You say that you don't want me, to break down the walls around you

你說你想放棄我 不要我做你周圍的牆壁

You take it from me baby now

我會從你身上收起來 現在你聽見了嗎

Cause it don't take much baby, just let it slide, it don't take much, yeah

放棄太多不值得 我對你放你走 沒關係 我知道你有自己的路要走

And you know it don't take much, just a little confession now

我告訴你沒關係 你知道愛並不是很過分 現在讓我知道你是真心的

To get you back and the best of me all wrapped up together again


Baby girl why'd you have to be so good to me?

你知道我已經完了 但是你還是選擇在我最困難的時候照顧我

But second best, I ain't giving that

我只是不甘心輸掉這份感情 我絕不這么做

It don't take much baby, just let it slide, it don't take much, yeah

放棄太多不值得 我對你放你走 沒關係 我知道你有自己的路要走

And you know it don't take much, just a little confession now

我告訴你沒關係 你知道愛並不是很過分 現在讓我知道你是真心的

And it doesn't take much baby to win my heart again, oh yeah

我不會讓你付出太多 我相信我們還是有可能重獲對方的心

Baby girl, yeah

你現在就要把我徹底征服 我心甘情願讓你如此控制我 真的...寶貝。 真的...
