seasons ayumi hamasaki歌詞

"Seasons"是日本流行歌手Ayumi Hamasaki的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

(Verse 1)

I feel the rain on my skin

My body's shivering, it's alright

And now I'm standing alone

Looking at the sky, I feel your love again


Seasons, they will change

But I'll always remember your embrace

And now I'm feeling the rain

It's washing away all my pain

(Verse 2)

I'm lost in memories

Of when we were young and free

And now I'm standing alone

Looking at the ground, I feel your love again


Seasons, they will change

But I'll always remember your embrace

And now I'm feeling the rain

It's washing away all my pain


I don't know where to go

But I know that I belong with you

The clouds are moving slowly

Together, we will keep on growing strong


Seasons, they will change

But the love will always remain

And now I'm feeling the rain

And it's my guide, to keep me grounded


Through all the changes life brings

You are always there for me

Seasons, they will change

But I'll always remember you (me)

這是一首表達了對愛情持久不變的承諾和對生活的積極態度的歌曲。歌詞中描述了季節的變化,但愛仍然存在,雨水洗去了所有的痛苦,為生活提供了指引,讓人們保持冷靜和真實。這首歌曲通過四季的循環表達了對未來的樂觀和希望的信心,展現了生活的起伏變化。Ayumi Hamasaki在歌中表現了她情感上的敏感性和旋律上的深度。