say less歌詞

《Say Less》的詞曲由泰勒·斯威夫特創作,其英文版詞曲內容如下:


Say less, talk less, look at my face

Stop looking at my body, it's not okay

I'm not your project, I'm not your movie

You don't know me, you don't know what I'm about


You say you want to know me, then you say that you don't know what to say

So I guess I'll let you down easy, I'm not saying it's easy for me


I'm not your project, I'm not your movie

You don't know me, you don't know what I'm about


I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to make you feel uneasy

I'm sorry if I came on too strong, I didn't mean to be so pushy


Say less, talk less, look at my face

I'm not your project, I'm not your movie


So why can't we just be friends?


I don't know, maybe it's because you don't know what you want from me?


Oh I want you to know that I am human being, it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

女:Oh my god, what have I done? Oh my god. 男:So why can't we just be friends? 女:It seems so hard to say no to you. 男:Oh come on. 女:But I need some space. 男:But we could be good together. 女:No. 男:Please? 女:No. No no no no. 男:But why? 女:Because I don't trust you. 男:I'm sorry. 女:Say less, talk less. 男:Okay. 女:Look at my face. 男:Okay. 女:And be my friend. 男:Okay. 女:(Bottles clinks) Now let me take you home. (Lets go.) (人聲消失) (旋律淡出) 合: Take it easy on me now (Yeah) (旋律變強)Say less (Say less) talk less (Say less) (BGM 低沉混響) 合:Now it’s just us again (低沉的弦樂上升)Let it be (弦樂變輕)Now we both got what we need (弦樂高潮) Say less (低沉的鼓聲和低音吉他聲) (Fade out) (旋律淡出)這首歌在詞曲中充分反映了泰勒·斯威夫特在感情上的獨特思考和態度,同時也展示了她的歌聲魅力。 無論是抒情還是熱情,都能在這首歌中得到充分的體現。歌詞內容很深刻,也很動人。如果你有更多問題,歡迎向我提問。