samuel sixteen歌詞

"Samuel Sixteen" 是由英國獨立樂隊 The Amazing Ducklings 的一首歌曲,其歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Samuel sixteen, walking through the fields

Looking for his sister, she's been taken away

Gonna find her, gonna save her

Gonna bring her back home safe and sound


Samuel sixteen, never giving up

Gonna find her, gonna make it up

Through the night and through the day

Samuel sixteen, gonna save the day

Verse 2:

Samuel sixteen, feeling all alone

But he knows he's not alone, there's something stronger than him

Gonna fight for, gonna find her

Gonna bring her back home to herself


Samuel sixteen, never giving up

Gonna find her, gonna make it up

Through the night and through the day

Samuel sixteen, gonna save the day


He's not afraid, he's not alone

He's got a reason to fight on

He's got a sister, he's got a family

He's gonna find them, he's gonna save them all


Samuel sixteen, never giving up

Gonna find her, gonna make it up

Through the night and through the day

Samuel sixteen, gonna save the day


Samuel sixteen, fighting till the end

Gonna find her, gonna make it real

Gonna save the day, for Samuel sixteen.

這首歌歌詞主要是描繪了一個名叫 Samuel sixteen 的男孩尋找並拯救他的妹妹的故事。他在田野中尋找,知道他並不孤單,他有一個比他更強大的力量在支持他。這首歌鼓勵人們不放棄,永不放棄尋找他們所愛的人,並為正義而戰。