sadistic desire歌詞

"Sadistic Desire"是由美國樂隊The Kills演唱的一首歌曲,歌詞如下:

(Verse 1)

You're a devil in the night

And your sadistic desires

Take you to the edge of life

And back again


You're a twisted soul

A demon in disguise

A killer in the dark

With a taste for blood and sex

(Verse 2)

Your lust for pain and blood

A madness in your eyes

Your madness takes control

And there's no turning back


You're a twisted soul

A demon in disguise

A killer in the dark

With a taste for blood and sex


So I crawl to you now on my knees

Your evil desire will consume me

Take me, make me your slave

For you are my darkest dreams


You're a twisted soul

A demon in disguise

A killer in the dark

With a taste for blood and sex

這首歌的歌詞描繪了一個充滿欲望和痛苦的角色,他們沉迷於痛苦和殺戮,同時又渴望性愛和血液。這個角色在黑暗中遊蕩,尋找他們的獵物,滿足他們的欲望。歌詞中的“Sadistic Desire”暗示了這種角色的一種強烈的欲望,他們無法控制自己的行為,最終陷入瘋狂和痛苦之中。