rip to my youth歌詞

"Rip to My Youth"的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,但可以提供一些歌詞供您參考。


Verse 1:

Time flies like an arrow,

Memories like a river,

I remember the days of my youth,

The carefree laughter and the carefree days.


Rip it to pieces,rip it to pieces,

My youth was beautiful,

But now it's gone,gone,gone.

Verse 2:

The world has changed so much,

But my heart still remembers,

The carefree days of my youth,

The dreams that I still believe in.


Rip it to pieces,rip it to pieces,

My youth was beautiful,

But now it's gone,gone,gone.


And I'll never forget,

The people who were there for me,

The moments that I cherished,

The memories that will never fade.


Rip it to pieces,rip it to pieces,

My youth was beautiful,

But now it's gone,gone,gone.

結尾句是唱“goodbye my innocence”。這首歌詞表達了對青春時光的懷念和惋惜之情。它描述了時間飛逝,記憶如河流一般綿延流淌的樣子。主歌中表示要撕裂青春的樣子,副歌中則強調青春已經遠去。在橋段中,作者還表達了他永遠不會忘記那些為他付出的人和珍貴的瞬間。整首歌詞充滿了對過去美好生活的懷念和對現在生活的感慨。