rich brian curious歌詞

"Rich Brian Curious"是由Rich Brian和Mike Posner共同演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

I'm a star, they can't stop me

Got a dream, got a plan

Got a way to make it happen

Yeah, I'm curious


Curious, what's next?

I'm on my way up

And I won't stop, until I hit the top

So tell me, what's next?

Verse 2:

Can't explain the feeling

I ain't from around here

This life, I can't quit it

Got a lot to prove to myself

And I won't stop until I hit it

Until I get what I want

And now they call me a star, I don't know what to do

But I got faith, that I can make it through

Yeah, I'm curious


Curious, what's next?

I'm on my way up

And I won't stop, until I hit the top

So tell me, what's next?


I'm feeling like a million bucks

But I ain't got no money in my pocket

I ain't gonna stop until I make it big

And I won't let nobody tell me what to do

Yeah, I'm curious


Curious, what's next?

I'm on my way up

And I won't stop, until I hit the top

So tell me, what's next?


I'm feeling good, and I won't stop until I hit it big

Got faith in my dreams, and I won't stop until I make it real.

以上就是"Rich Brian Curious"的歌詞。這首歌表達了Rich Brian對未來的好奇和決心,他不斷追求自己的夢想,不畏艱難,直到達到頂峰。