real歌詞guilty crone

《Real》的歌詞中並沒有"guilty crone"的句子,您可以檢查一下是否出現了拼寫錯誤。我可以為您提供《Real》的歌詞,如:

Verse 1:

Looking in the mirror

See a face I don't recognize

The lines on my face

Tell a story I can't deny

I'm feeling real

But inside I'm still a stranger


Guilty crone, what have you done?

To the life you've taken from me

You've taken so much

But now it's time to pay the cost

Verse 2:

I'm standing on my own

Trying to find my way back home

But every step I take

Leads me deeper into the dark

I'm feeling real

But I don't know where to turn


Guilty crone, what have you done?

To the life you've taken from me

You've taken so much

But now it's time to pay the cost


Am I just a shadow of my former self?

Or will I rise from the ashes?

I don't know what to believe

But I know I won't give up easily


Guilty crone, you've taken so much

But now it's time to let go

You can run and hide

But you can't escape the truth


So I will rise, stronger than before

And take back what's mine

Because guilt crone, I won't be defeated!